2008 MySQL Conference & Expo

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The MySQL Conference & Expo brings over 1,600 open source and database enthusiasts together to harness the power of MySQL and celebrate the huge MySQL ecosystem.
More details: http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2008/


• 0 to 60 in 3.1
• 10,000 Tables Can’t Be Wrong: Designing a Highly Scalable MySQL Architecture for Write-intensive Applications
• A Tour of External Language Stored Procedures for MySQL
• Advanced Stored Procedures
• An Introduction to BLOB Streaming for MySQL Project
• Applied Partitioning and Scaling Your Database System
• Architecture of Maria: A New Storage Engine with a Transactional Design
• Astronomy, Petabytes, and MySQL
• Backup and Recovery Basics
• Batched Key Access: a Significant Speed-up for Join Queries
• Benchmarking and Monitoring: Tools of the Trade (Part I)
• Benchmarking and Monitoring: Tools of the Trade (Part II)
• Bending MySQL Connector/J to Your Liking
• Best Practices for Database Administrators
• Best Practices for Deploying MySQL on the Solaris Platform
• Building Scalable & High Performance Datamarts with MySQL
• Continuent Tungsten: Proxies on Steroids for HA and Performance!
• Crazy Data Formats and Multiple Data Sources? Taming Your Messy Mashups
• Creating Interactive OLAP Applications with MySQL Enterprise and Mondrian
• Cross Platform .NET Development with Mono and MySQL
• Database Security Using White-Hat Google Hacking
• DBSlayer: A Simpler Way to Proxy
• Developing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Plugins
• DTrace and MySQL
• EXPLAIN Demystified
• Exploring Amazon EC2 for Scale-out Applications
• Falcon for InnoDB Users
• Falcon from the Beginning
• Financial Informatics: Startup Low-cost Dataload Challenges and Solutions
• Full Text Search with MySQL 5.1: New Features & How To
• Future Design Hurdles to Tackle in the MySQL Server
• Geo Distance Search with MySQL
• Grand Tour of the Information Schema and its Applications
• High Availability MySQL with DRBD and Heartbeat: MTV Japan Mobile Services
• Horizontal Scaling with HiveDB
• How to Achieve Operational BI on a Budget
• How to be Normal, a Guide for Developers
• Increase the Flexibility of MySQL-based SOA Frameworks with a Data Access Layer
• Inside the PBXT Storage Engine

• Investigating Innodb Scalability Limits
• Just-In-Time Scalability: Agile Methods to Support Massive Growth
• Lessons Learned in Building a Highly Scalable MySQL Database
• Memcached and MySQL: Everything You Need To Know
• Migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL at Cocolog, Japan's Largest Blog Community
• Mitigating Replication Latency in a Distributed Application Environment
• Monitoring Scale-out with the MySQL Enterprise Monitor
• Multi-terabyte MySQL Data Warehouses? Absolutely!
• MySQL Backups Go Near-continuous
• MySQL Cluster with Replication for Financial Transactions
• MySQL Hidden Treasures
• MySQL in eBay’s Personalization Platform
• MySQL Online Backup: An In-depth Introduction
• MySQL Proxy: The Complete Tutorial
• MySQL Replication Tutorial
• MySQL Sandbox: Easily Using Multiple Database Servers in Isolation
• MySQL Workbench. The Ultimate Guide to DBA Productivity: Writing Plugins and Scripts
• MySQL Workbench: The Ultimate Database Design Tool for Developers
• MySQL, LINQ and the ADO.NET Entity Framework
• New Subquery Optimizations in MySQL 6.0
• Online Backup, Open Replication, and a World of Contribution
• Past, Present, and Future of the MySQL Plugin API
• Paying It Forward: Harnessing the MySQL Contributory Resources
• Performance Guide for MySQL Cluster
• Performing MySQL Backups Using LVM Snapshots
• Portable Scale-out Benchmarks for MySQL
• Real World Web: Performance & Scalability, MySQL Edition
• Scaling MySQL and Java in High Write Throughput Environments
• Scaling with MySQL using Materialized Views and a Shared Everything architecture
• Securing MySQL for a Security Audit
• Speed Up Your LAMP Stack Applications with Dolphin Express
• Sphinx: High Performance Full Text Search for MySQL
• SQL Antipatterns
• Stored Routines: Tips, Tricks, and Solutions
• Testing PHP/MySQL Applications with PHPUnit/DbUnit
• The Future of MySQL: What You Need to Know About What's Coming
• The Lost Art of the Self Join
• The MySQL Query Cache
• The Science and Fiction of Petascale Analytics
• Top 20 DB Design Tips Every Architect Needs to Know
• Top 5 Considerations While Setting Up Your MySQL Backup
• Upgrading to Elegant and Versatile Database Architecture Using PHP5 Data Objects
• Using MySQL Cluster in a High Volume Email Environment
• Using MySQL's Spatial Extensions with Rails
• Web Workloads for Comparing, Testing & Tuning MySQL Performance , SPECjAppServer2004, EAStress & Faban
• What MySQL Can Learn from PostgreSQL