Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu-based distribution and live CD focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV system similar to KnoppMyth or Mythdora. It can be used to install a standalone frontend, backend, or combination machines. Mythbuntu uses Xfce as its default desktop and provides a graphical Control Centre to configure the system.
Mythbuntu是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,它是一张自启动运行光盘,着眼于构建一份单独的MythTV系统,这与KnoppMyth或 Mythdora类似。它可以被用于安装一份独立的前端或后端或组合机器。Mythbuntu采用Xfce作为缺省桌面,它提供一份图形化的控制中心来配置系统。
Mythbuntu Wiki
Mythbuntu 8.04 installation
Mythbuntu Official website
Mythbuntu Wikipedia
Mythbuntu Download