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Installing and using MythTV

Robert Kulagowski,

2009-01-20, v0.21.07
Initially, installation of MythTV seems like a huge task. There are lots of dependencies, and various distributions seem to do the same thing different ways. This document will attempt to give general installation instructions, as well as including distribution-specific instructions where necessary.

1. First things first.

2. Introduction.

3. Checking prerequisites.

4. System Configuration Requirements for Compiling MythTV.

5. Downloading and compiling.

6. MySQL.

7. Configuring Sound.

8. Setting up a remote control.

9. Configuring MythTV.

10. Configuring mythfrontend.

11. Using MythTV.

12. Scheduling Recordings.

13. MythPlugins.

14. MythWeb.

15. MythGallery.

16. MythGame.

17. MythMusic.

18. MythWeather.

19. MythVideo.

20. MythDVD.

21. MythNews.

22. Troubleshooting.

23. Miscellaneous.

24. Example Configurations.

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