
Public classPageInsertPosition
Contains awailable page insertion positions
Public classVersionedDataHelper
This class should be used in every versioning package to register it's naming and detecting of live versions
Public classVersionedDataHelperContract
Contract for defining IVersioned extra methods and helper functions
Public classVersionedExtraProperties
Represents Extra fields that a Versioning package needs to insert to the publication overview
Public classVersionedExtraPropertiesColumnInfo
Represents column title and tooltip for the Extra fields that a Versioning package needs to insert to the publication overview


Public interfaceIImageFile
This data interface represents a image media file in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query images through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIMediaFile
This data interface represents a media file in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query media through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIMediaFileFolder
This data interface represents a media folder in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query media folders through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIPage
This data interface represents a page in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query pages through a DataConnection. Note that a lot of page related tasks can be done with a SitemapNavigator. And any changes done through this interface and a DataConnection should be done with care.
Public interfaceIUser
This data interface represents a administrative user in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query users through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIUserFormLogin
Contains information about console user's password and login status (whether it is locked)
Public interfaceIUserGroup
This data interface represents a user group in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query user groups through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIUserPasswordHistory
Contains information about a password previously used by a user.
Public interfaceIUserUserGroupRelation
This data interface represents a user relation to a user group in Orckestra CMS. This can be used to query user group members through a DataConnection.
Public interfaceIVersioned
Represents a data type that supports multiple versions of the same data item