Code Coverage for

Untested Functions

# Natural Language Toolkit: Zen Chatbot
# Copyright (C) 2001-2008 NLTK Project
# Author: Peter Spiller <[email protected]>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

from util import *

pairs = (
    (r'We (.*)',
        ("What do you mean, 'we'?",
        "Don't include me in that!",
        "I wouldn't be so sure about that.")),

    (r'You should (.*)',
        ("Don't tell me what to do, buddy.",
        "Really? I should, should I?")),
        ("More like YOU'RE %1!",
        "Hah! Look who's talking.",
        "Come over here and tell me I'm %1.")),

    (r'You are(.*)',
        ("More like YOU'RE %1!",
        "Hah! Look who's talking.",
        "Come over here and tell me I'm %1.")),

    (r'I can\'t(.*)',
        ("You do sound like the type who can't %1.",
        "Hear that splashing sound? That's my heart bleeding for you.",
        "Tell somebody who might actually care.")),

    (r'I think (.*)',
        ("I wouldn't think too hard if I were you.",
        "You actually think? I'd never have guessed...")),

    (r'I (.*)',
        ("I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about you.",
        "How about we talk about me instead?",
        "Me, me, me... Frankly, I don't care.")),
    (r'How (.*)',
        ("How do you think?",
        "Take a wild guess.",
        "I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.")),

    (r'What (.*)',
        ("Do I look like an encylopedia?",
        "Figure it out yourself.")),

    (r'Why (.*)',
        ("Why not?",
        "That's so obvious I thought even you'd have already figured it out.")),

    (r'(.*)shut up(.*)',
        ("Make me.",
        "Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.",
        "Say that again, I dare you.")),

    (r'Shut up(.*)',
        ("Make me.",
        "Getting angry at a feeble NLP assignment? Somebody's losing it.",
        "Say that again, I dare you.")),

        ("Oh good, somebody else to talk to. Joy.",
        "'Hello'? How original...")),
        ("I'm getting bored here. Become more interesting.",
        "Either become more thrilling or get lost, buddy.",
        "Change the subject before I die of fatal boredom."))

rude_chatbot = Chat(pairs, reflections) 

def rude_chat():
    print "Talk to the program by typing in plain English, using normal upper-"
    print 'and lower-case letters and punctuation.  Enter "quit" when done.'
    print '='*72
    print "I suppose I should say hello."


def demo():

if __name__ == "__main__":