Code Coverage for nltk.corpus.reader.conll

Untested Functions

Partially Tested Functions

# Natural Language Toolkit: CONLL Corpus Reader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2008 NLTK Project
# Author: Steven Bird <[email protected]>
#         Edward Loper <[email protected]>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT

Read CoNLL-style chunk files.

from nltk.corpus.reader.util import *
from nltk.corpus.reader.api import *
from nltk import chunk, tree, Tree
import os, codecs
from nltk.internals import deprecated
from nltk import Tree, LazyMap, LazyConcatenation
import textwrap

class ConllCorpusReader(CorpusReader):
    A corpus reader for CoNLL-style files.  These files consist of a
    series of sentences, seperated by blank lines.  Each sentence is
    encoded using a table (or I{grid}) of values, where each line
    corresponds to a single word, and each column corresponds to an
    annotation type.  The set of columns used by CoNLL-style files can
    vary from corpus to corpus; the C{ConllCorpusReader} constructor
    therefore takes an argument, C{columntypes}, which is used to
    specify the columns that are used by a given corpus.

    @todo: Add support for reading from corpora where different
        parallel files contain different columns.
    @todo: Possibly add caching of the grid corpus view?  This would
        allow the same grid view to be used by different data access
        methods (eg words() and parsed_sents() could both share the
        same grid corpus view object).
    @todo: Better support for -DOCSTART-.  Currently, we just ignore
        it, but it could be used to define methods that retrieve a
        document at a time (eg parsed_documents()).
    # Column Types
    WORDS = 'words'   #: column type for words
    POS = 'pos'       #: column type for part-of-speech tags
    TREE = 'tree'     #: column type for parse trees
    CHUNK = 'chunk'   #: column type for chunk structures
    NE = 'ne'         #: column type for named entities
    SRL = 'srl'       #: column type for semantic role labels
    IGNORE = 'ignore' #: column type for column that should be ignored

    #: A list of all column types supported by the conll corpus reader.
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, root, files, columntypes,
                 chunk_types=None, top_node='S', pos_in_tree=False,
                 srl_includes_roleset=True, encoding=None,
        for columntype in columntypes:
            if columntype not in self.COLUMN_TYPES:
                raise ValueError('Bad colum type %r' % columntyp)
        if chunk_types is not None: chunk_types = tuple(chunk_types)
        self._chunk_types = chunk_types
        self._colmap = dict((c,i) for (i,c) in enumerate(columntypes))
        self._pos_in_tree = pos_in_tree
        self._top_node = top_node # for chunks
        self._srl_includes_roleset = srl_includes_roleset
        self._tree_class = tree_class
        CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, files, encoding)

    # Data Access Methods

    def raw(self, files=None):
        if files is None: files = self._files
        elif isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files]
        return concat([ for f in files])

    def words(self, files=None):
        return LazyConcatenation(LazyMap(self._get_words, self._grids(files)))

    def sents(self, files=None):
        return LazyMap(self._get_words, self._grids(files))

    def tagged_words(self, files=None):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS)
        return LazyConcatenation(LazyMap(self._get_tagged_words,

    def tagged_sents(self, files=None):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS)
        return LazyMap(self._get_tagged_words, self._grids(files))

    def chunked_words(self, files=None, chunk_types=None):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.CHUNK)
        if chunk_types is None: chunk_types = self._chunk_types
        def get_chunked_words(grid): # capture chunk_types as local var
            return self._get_chunked_words(grid, chunk_types)
        return LazyConcatenation(LazyMap(get_chunked_words,

    def chunked_sents(self, files=None, chunk_types=None):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.CHUNK)
        if chunk_types is None: chunk_types = self._chunk_types
        def get_chunked_words(grid): # capture chunk_types as local var
            return self._get_chunked_words(grid, chunk_types)
        return LazyMap(get_chunked_words, self._grids(files))
    def parsed_sents(self, files=None, pos_in_tree=None):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.TREE)
        if pos_in_tree is None: pos_in_tree = self._pos_in_tree
        def get_parsed_sent(grid): # capture pos_in_tree as local var
            return self._get_parsed_sent(grid, pos_in_tree)
        return LazyMap(get_parsed_sent, self._grids(files))

    def srl_spans(self, files=None):
        return LazyMap(self._get_srl_spans, self._grids(files))

    def srl_instances(self, files=None, pos_in_tree=None, flatten=True):
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.TREE, self.SRL)
        if pos_in_tree is None: pos_in_tree = self._pos_in_tree
        def get_srl_instances(grid): # capture pos_in_tree as local var
            return self._get_srl_instances(grid, pos_in_tree)
        result = LazyMap(get_srl_instances, self._grids(files))
        if flatten: result = LazyConcatenation(result)
        return result

    def iob_words(self, files=None):
        @return: a list of word/tag/IOB tuples 
        @rtype: C{list} of C{tuple}
        @param files: the list of files that make up this corpus 
        @type files: C{None} or C{str} or C{list}
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.CHUNK)
        return LazyConcatenation(LazyMap(self._get_iob_words,

    def iob_sents(self, files=None):
        @return: a list of lists of word/tag/IOB tuples 
        @rtype: C{list} of C{list}
        @param files: the list of files that make up this corpus 
        @type files: C{None} or C{str} or C{list}
        self._require(self.WORDS, self.POS, self.CHUNK)
        return LazyMap(self._get_iob_words, self._grids(files))
    # Grid Reading
    def _grids(self, files=None):
        # n.b.: we could cache the object returned here (keyed on
        # files), which would let us reuse the same corpus view for
        # different things (eg srl and parse trees).
        return concat([StreamBackedCorpusView(filename, self._read_grid_block,
                       for (filename, enc) in self.abspaths(files, True)])

    def _read_grid_block(self, stream):
        grids = []
        for block in read_blankline_block(stream):
            block = block.strip()
            if not block: continue
            grid = [line.split() for line in block.split('\n')]
            # If there's a docstart row, then discard. ([xx] eventually it
            # would be good to actually use it)
            if grid[0][self._colmap.get('words', 0)] == '-DOCSTART-':
                del grid[0]
            # Check that the grid is consistent.
            for row in grid:
                if len(row) != len(grid[0]):
                    raise ValueError('Inconsistent number of columns:\n%s'
                                     % block)
        return grids

    # Transforms
    # given a grid, transform it into some representation (e.g.,
    # a list of words or a parse tree).

    def _get_words(self, grid):
        return self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['words'])

    def _get_tagged_words(self, grid):
        return zip(self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['words']),
                   self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['pos']))

    def _get_iob_words(self, grid):
        return zip(self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['words']),
                   self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['pos']),
                   self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['chunk']))

    def _get_chunked_words(self, grid, chunk_types):
        # n.b.: this method is very similar to conllstr2tree.
        words = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['words'])
        pos_tags = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['pos'])
        chunk_tags = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['chunk'])

        stack = [Tree(self._top_node, [])]
        for (word, pos_tag, chunk_tag) in zip(words, pos_tags, chunk_tags):
            if chunk_tag == 'O':
                state, chunk_type = 'O', ''
                (state, chunk_type) = chunk_tag.split('-')
            # If it's a chunk we don't care about, treat it as O.
            if chunk_types is not None and chunk_type not in chunk_types:
                state = 'O'
            # Treat a mismatching I like a B.
            if state == 'I' and chunk_type != stack[-1].node:
                state = 'B'
            # For B or I: close any open chunks
            if state in 'BO' and len(stack) == 2:
            # For B: start a new chunk.
            if state == 'B':
                new_chunk = Tree(chunk_type, [])
            # Add the word token.
            stack[-1].append((word, pos_tag))

        return stack[0]

    def _get_parsed_sent(self, grid, pos_in_tree):
        words = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['words'])
        pos_tags = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['pos'])
        parse_tags = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['tree'])
        treestr = ''
        for (word, pos_tag, parse_tag) in zip(words, pos_tags, parse_tags):
            if word == '(': word = '-LRB-'
            if word == ')': word = '-RRB-'
            if pos_tag == '(': pos_tag = '-LRB-'
            if pos_tag == ')': pos_tag = '-RRB-'
            (left, right) = parse_tag.split('*')
            right = right.count(')')*')' # only keep ')'.
            treestr += '%s (%s %s) %s' % (left, pos_tag, word, right)
            tree = self._tree_class.parse(treestr)
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            tree = self._tree_class.parse('(%s %s)' %
                                          (self._top_node, treestr))
        if not pos_in_tree:
            for subtree in tree.subtrees():
                for i, child in enumerate(subtree):
                    if (isinstance(child, nltk.Tree) and len(child)==1 and 
                        isinstance(child[0], basestring)):
                        subtree[i] = (child[0], child.node)

        return tree

    def _get_srl_spans(self, grid):
        list of list of (start, end), tag) tuples
        if self._srl_includes_roleset:
            predicates = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['srl']+1)
            start_col = self._colmap['srl']+2
            predicates = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['srl'])
            start_col = self._colmap['srl']+1
        # Count how many predicates there are.  This tells us how many
        # columns to expect for SRL data.
        num_preds = len([p for p in predicates if p != '-'])
        spanlists = []
        for i in range(num_preds):
            col = self._get_column(grid, start_col+i)
            spanlist = []
            stack = []
            for wordnum, srl_tag in enumerate(col):
                (left, right) = srl_tag.split('*')
                for tag in left.split('('):
                    if tag:
                        stack.append((tag, wordnum))
                for i in range(right.count(')')):
                    (tag, start) = stack.pop()
                    spanlist.append( ((start, wordnum+1), tag) )

        return spanlists

    def _get_srl_instances(self, grid, pos_in_tree):
        tree = self._get_parsed_sent(grid, pos_in_tree)
        spanlists = self._get_srl_spans(grid)
        if self._srl_includes_roleset:
            predicates = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['srl']+1)
            rolesets = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['srl'])
            predicates = self._get_column(grid, self._colmap['srl'])
            rolesets = [None] * len(predicates)

        instances = ConllSRLInstanceList(tree)
        for wordnum, predicate in enumerate(predicates):
            if predicate == '-': continue
            # Decide which spanlist to use.  Don't assume that they're
            # sorted in the same order as the predicates (even though
            # they usually are).
            for spanlist in spanlists:
                for (start, end), tag in spanlist:
                    if wordnum in range(start,end) and tag in ('V', 'C-V'):
                else: continue
                raise ValueError('No srl column found for %r' % predicate)
            instances.append(ConllSRLInstance(tree, wordnum, predicate,
                                              rolesets[wordnum], spanlist))

        return instances

    # Helper Methods

    def _require(self, *columntypes):
        for columntype in columntypes:
            if columntype not in self._colmap:
                raise ValueError('This corpus does not contain a %s '
                                 'column.' % columntype)

    def _get_column(grid, column_index):
        return [grid[i][column_index] for i in range(len(grid))]

    #{ Deprecated since 0.8
    @deprecated("Use .raw() or .words() or .tagged_words() or "
                ".chunked_sents() instead.")
    def read(self, items, format='chunked', chunk_types=None):
        if format == 'chunked': return self.chunked_sents(items, chunk_types)
        if format == 'raw': return self.raw(items)
        if format == 'tokenized': return self.words(items)
        if format == 'tagged': return self.tagged_words(items)
        raise ValueError('bad format %r' % format)
    @deprecated("Use .chunked_sents() instead.")
    def chunked(self, items, chunk_types=None):
        return self.chunked_sents(items, chunk_types)
    @deprecated("Use .words() instead.")
    def tokenized(self, items):
        return self.words(items)
    @deprecated("Use .tagged_words() instead.")
    def tagged(self, items):
        return self.tagged_words(items)

class ConllSRLInstance(object):
    An SRL instance from a CoNLL corpus, which identifies and
    providing labels for the arguments of a single verb.
    # [xx] add inst.core_arguments, inst.argm_arguments?
    def __init__(self, tree, verb_head, verb_stem, roleset, tagged_spans):
        self.verb = []
        """A list of the word indices of the words that compose the
           verb whose arguments are identified by this instance.
           This will contain multiple word indices when multi-word
           verbs are used (e.g. 'turn on')."""

        self.verb_head = verb_head
        """The word index of the head word of the verb whose arguments
           are identified by this instance.  E.g., for a sentence that
           uses the verb 'turn on,' C{verb_head} will be the word index
           of the word 'turn'."""

        self.verb_stem = verb_stem

        self.roleset = roleset
        self.arguments = []
        """A list of C{(argspan, argid)} tuples, specifying the location
           and type for each of the arguments identified by this
           instance.  C{argspan} is a tuple C{start, end}, indicating
           that the argument consists of the C{words[start:end]}."""

        self.tagged_spans = tagged_spans
        """A list of C{(span, id)} tuples, specifying the location and
           type for each of the arguments, as well as the verb pieces,
           that make up this instance."""
        self.tree = tree
        """The parse tree for the sentence containing this instance."""

        self.words = tree.leaves()
        """A list of the words in the sentence containing this

        # Fill in the self.verb and self.arguments values.
        for (start, end), tag in tagged_spans:
            if tag in ('V', 'C-V'):
                self.verb += range(start, end)
                self.arguments.append( ((start, end), tag) )

    def __repr__(self):
        plural = len(self.arguments)!=1 and 's' or ''
        return '<ConllSRLInstance for %r with %d argument%s>' % (
            (self.verb_stem, len(self.arguments), plural))

    def pprint(self):
        verbstr = ' '.join(self.words[i][0] for i in self.verb)
        hdr = 'SRL for %r (stem=%r):\n' % (verbstr, self.verb_stem)
        s = ''
        for i, word in enumerate(self.words):
            if isinstance(word, tuple): word = word[0]
            for (start, end), argid in self.arguments:
                if i == start: s += '[%s ' % argid
                if i == end: s += '] '
            if i in self.verb: word = '<<%s>>' % word
            s += word + ' '
        return hdr + textwrap.fill(s.replace(' ]', ']'),
                                   initial_indent='    ',
                                   subsequent_indent='    ')

class ConllSRLInstanceList(list):
    Set of instances for a single sentence
    def __init__(self, tree, instances=()):
        self.tree = tree
        list.__init__(self, instances)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.pprint()

    def pprint(self, include_tree=False):
        # Sanity check: trees should be the same
        for inst in self:
            if inst.tree != self.tree:
                raise ValueError('Tree mismatch!')

        # If desired, add trees:
        if include_tree:
            words = self.tree.leaves()
            pos = [None] * len(words)
            synt = ['*'] * len(words)
            self._tree2conll(self.tree, 0, words, pos, synt)

        s = ''
        for i in range(len(words)):
            # optional tree columns
            if include_tree:
                s += '%-20s ' % words[i]
                s += '%-8s ' % pos[i]
                s += '%15s*%-8s ' % tuple(synt[i].split('*'))
            # verb head column
            for inst in self:
                if i == inst.verb_head:
                    s += '%-20s ' % inst.verb_stem
                s += '%-20s ' % '-'
            # Remaining columns: self
            for inst in self:
                argstr = '*'
                for (start, end), argid in inst.tagged_spans:
                    if i==start: argstr = '(%s%s' % (argid, argstr)
                    if i==(end-1): argstr += ')'
                s += '%-12s ' % argstr
            s += '\n'
        return s

    def _tree2conll(self, tree, wordnum, words, pos, synt):
        assert isinstance(tree, Tree)
        if len(tree) == 1 and isinstance(tree[0], basestring):
            pos[wordnum] = tree.node
            assert words[wordnum] == tree[0]
            return wordnum+1
        elif len(tree) == 1 and isinstance(tree[0], tuple):
            assert len(tree[0]) == 2
            pos[wordnum], pos[wordnum] = tree[0]
            return wordnum+1
            synt[wordnum] = '(%s%s' % (tree.node, synt[wordnum])
            for child in tree:
                wordnum = self._tree2conll(child, wordnum, words,
                                                  pos, synt)
            synt[wordnum-1] += ')'
            return wordnum
class ConllChunkCorpusReader(ConllCorpusReader):
    A ConllCorpusReader whose data file contains three columns: words,
    pos, and chunk.
    def __init__(self, root, files, chunk_types, encoding=None):
            self, root, files, ('words', 'pos', 'chunk'),
            chunk_types=chunk_types, encoding=encoding)