Within the area of automated reasoning, first order theorem proving
and model building (or model generation) have both received much
attention, and have given rise to highly sophisticated techniques. We
focus therefore on providing an NLTK interface to third party tools
for these tasks. In particular, the module nltk.inference can be
used to access both theorem provers and model builders.
2 NLTK Interface to Theorem Provers
The nltk.inference module contains a method
get_prover() that takes a proof goal and optionally, the name of a
theorem prover. The default is 'Prover9', but the tableau prover
may be used by specifying 'tableau'. The proof goal needs to be an
instance of the Expression class specified by nltk.sem.logic.
In the following example, the proof goal is a biconditional.
>>> from nltk.inference import *
>>> from nltk.sem import LogicParser, ApplicationExpression
>>> lp = LogicParser()
>>> bicond = lp.parse('(exists x.(man(x) and walks(x)) <-> exists x.(walks(x) and man(x)))')
>>> get_prover(bicond, prover_name='tableau').prove()
>>> get_prover(bicond, prover_name='Prover9').prove()
3 Prover9
3.1 Prover9 Installation
You can download Prover9 from http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/prover9/.
Extract the source code into a suitable directory and follow the
instructions in the Prover9 README.make file to compile the executables.
Install these into an appropriate location; the
prover9_search variable is currently configured to look in the
following locations:
>>> prover9_path
['/usr/local/bin/prover9', '/usr/local/bin/prover9/bin',
'/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/prover9',
If the executables cannot be found, Prover9 will issue a warning message:
>>> p = Prover9()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NLTK was unable to find the prover9 executable! Use config_prover9() or
set the PROVER9HOME environment variable.
>> config_prover9('/path/to/prover9')
For more information, on prover9, see:
The path to the correct directory can be set manually in the following
>>> config_prover9(path='/usr/local/bin')
[Found prover9: /usr/local/bin/prover9]
3.2 Using Prover9
The general case in theorem proving is to determine whether S |- g
holds, where S is a possibly empty set of assumptions, and g
is a proof goal.
As mentioned earlier, NLTK input to Prover9 must be
Expressions of nltk.sem.logic. A Prover9 instance is
initialized with a proof goal and, possibly, some assumptions. The
prove() method attempts to find a proof of the goal, given the
list of assumptions (in this case, none).
>>> goal = LogicParser().parse('(man(x) <-> --man(x))')
>>> prover = Prover9Command(goal)
>>> prover.prove()
Given a Prover9Command instance prover, the method
prover.show_proof() will print out the extensive proof information
provided by Prover9, shown in abbreviated form here:
============================== Prover9 ===============================
Prover9 (32) version ...
Process ... was started by ... on ...
The command was ".../prover9 -f ...".
============================== end of head ===========================
============================== INPUT =================================
% Reading from file /var/...
(all x (man(x) -> man(x))).
============================== end of search =========================
Exiting with 1 proof.
Process 6317 exit (max_proofs) Mon Jan 21 15:23:28 2008
As mentioned earlier, we may want to list some assumptions for
the proof, as shown here.
>>> g = LogicParser().parse('mortal(socrates)')
>>> a1 = LogicParser().parse('all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))')
>>> prover = Prover9Command(g, assumptions=[a1])
>>> prover.print_assumptions()
all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))
However, the assumptions are not sufficient to derive the goal:
>>> print prover.prove()
So let's add another assumption:
>>> a2 = LogicParser().parse('man(socrates)')
>>> prover.add_assumptions([a2])
>>> prover.print_assumptions()
all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))
>>> print prover.prove()
We can also show the assumptions in Prover9 format.
>>> prover.print_assumptions(output_format='Prover9')
all x (man(x) -> mortal(x))
>>> prover.print_assumptions(output_format='Spass')
Traceback (most recent call last):
. . .
NameError: Unrecognized value for 'output_format': Spass
Assumptions can be retracted from the list of assumptions.
>>> prover.retract_assumptions([a1])
>>> prover.print_assumptions()
>>> prover.retract_assumptions([a1])
Statements can be loaded from a file and parsed. We can then add these
statements as new assumptions.
>>> g = LogicParser().parse('all x.(boxer(x) -> -boxerdog(x))')
>>> prover = Prover9Command(g)
>>> prover.prove()
>>> import nltk.data
>>> new = nltk.data.load('grammars/background0.fol')
>>> for a in new:
... print a
all x.(boxerdog(x) -> dog(x))
all x.(boxer(x) -> person(x))
all x.-(dog(x) & person(x))
exists x.boxer(x)
exists x.boxerdog(x)
>>> prover.add_assumptions(new)
>>> print prover.prove()
>>> prover.show_proof()
============================== prooftrans ============================
Prover9 (...) version ...
Process ... was started by ... on ...
The command was ".../prover9".
============================== end of head ===========================
============================== end of input ==========================
============================== PROOF =================================
% -------- Comments from original proof --------
% Proof 1 at ... seconds.
% Length of proof is 13.
% Level of proof is 4.
% Maximum clause weight is 0.
% Given clauses 0.
1 (all x (boxerdog(x) -> dog(x))). [assumption].
2 (all x (boxer(x) -> person(x))). [assumption].
3 (all x -(dog(x) & person(x))). [assumption].
6 (all x (boxer(x) -> -boxerdog(x))). [goal].
8 -boxerdog(x) | dog(x). [clausify(1)].
9 boxerdog(c3). [deny(6)].
11 -boxer(x) | person(x). [clausify(2)].
12 boxer(c3). [deny(6)].
14 -dog(x) | -person(x). [clausify(3)].
15 dog(c3). [resolve(9,a,8,a)].
18 person(c3). [resolve(12,a,11,a)].
19 -person(c3). [resolve(15,a,14,a)].
20 $F. [resolve(19,a,18,a)].
============================== end of proof ==========================
4 The tp_equals() method
One application of the theorem prover functionality is to check if
two Expressions have the same meaning.
The tp_equals() method calls a theorem prover to determine whether two
Expressions are logically equivalent.
>>> a = LogicParser().parse(r'exists x.(man(x) & walks(x))')
>>> b = LogicParser().parse(r'exists x.(walks(x) & man(x))')
>>> print a.tp_equals(b)
The same method can be used on Discourse Representation Structures (DRSs).
In this case, each DRS is converted to a first order logic form, and then
passed to the theorem prover.
>>> from nltk.sem.drt import DrtParser
>>> a = DrtParser().parse(r'drs([x],[man(x), walks(x)])')
>>> b = DrtParser().parse(r'drs([x],[walks(x), man(x)])')
>>> print a.tp_equals(b)
Checking for equality of two DRSs is very useful when generating readings of a sentence.
For example, the drt_glue module generates two readings for the sentence
John sees Mary:
>>> from nltk.sem import logic
>>> from nltk.internals import Counter
>>> logic._counter = Counter()
>>> from nltk_contrib.gluesemantics.drt_glue import DrtGlue
>>> readings = DrtGlue().parse_to_meaning('John sees Mary')
>>> for drs in readings: print drs.simplify()
DRS([x,z1],[(x = Mary), (z1 = John), sees(z1,x)])
DRS([x,z2],[(x = John), (z2 = Mary), sees(x,z2)])
However, it is easy to tell that these two readings are logically the
same, and therefore one of them is superfluous. We can use the theorem prover
to determine this equivalence, and then delete one of them. A particular
theorem prover may be specified, or the argument may be left off to use the
>>> readings[0].tp_equals(readings[1])
5 NLTK Interface to Model Builders
The top-level to model builders is parallel to that for
theorem-provers. The method get_model_builder() takes an
Expression and, optionally, the name of a model builder prover.
The default is 'Mace', (or more precisely, 'Mace4') which is
currently the only model builder supported.
Typically we use a model builder to show that some set of formulas has
a model, and is therefore consistent. One way of doing this is by
treating our candidate set of sentences as assumptions, and leaving
the goal unspecified.
Thus, the following interaction shows how both {a, c1} and {a, c2}
are consistent sets, since Mace succeeds in a building a
model for each of them, while {c1, c2} is inconsistent.
>>> a3 = lp.parse('exists x.(man(x) and walks(x))')
>>> c1 = lp.parse('mortal(socrates)')
>>> c2 = lp.parse('-mortal(socrates)')
>>> print get_model_builder(None, [a3, c1]).build_model()
>>> print get_model_builder(None, [a3, c2]).build_model()
We can also use the model builder as an adjunct to theorem prover.
Let's suppose we are trying to prove S |- g, i.e. that g
is logically entailed by assumptions S = {s1, s2, ..., sn}.
We can this same input to Mace4, and the model builder will try to
find a counterexample, that is, to show that g does not follow
from S. So, given this input, Mace4 will try to find a model for
the set S' = {s1, s2, ..., sn, (not g)}. If g fails to follow
from S, then Mace4 may well return with a counterexample faster
than Prover9 concludes that it cannot find the required proof.
Conversely, if g is provable from S, Mace4 may take a long
time unsuccessfully trying to find a counter model, and will eventually give up.
In the following example, we see that the model builder does succeed
in building a model of the assumptions together with the negation of
the goal. That is, it succeeds in finding a model
where there is a woman that every man loves; Adam is a man; Eve is a
woman; but Adam does not love Eve.
>>> a4 = lp.parse('exists y. (woman(y) & all x. (man(x) -> love(x,y)))')
>>> a5 = lp.parse('man(adam)')
>>> a6 = lp.parse('woman(eve)')
>>> g = lp.parse('love(adam,eve)')
>>> print get_model_builder(g, [a4, a5, a6]).build_model()
6 Mace4
6.1 Mace4 Installation
Mace4 is packaged with Prover9, and can be downloaded from the same
source, namely http://www.cs.unm.edu/~mccune/prover9/. It is installed
in the same manner as Prover9.
6.2 Using Mace4
Check whether Mace4 can find a model.
>>> a = LogicParser().parse('(see(mary,john) & -(mary = john))')
>>> mb = MaceCommand(assumptions=[a])
>>> mb.build_model()
Show the model in 'tabular' format.
>>> mb.show_model(format='tabular')
% number = 1
% seconds = 0
% Interpretation of size 2
john : 0
mary : 1
see :
| 0 1
0 | 0 0
1 | 1 0
Show the model in 'tabular' format.
>>> mb.show_model(format='cooked')
% number = 1
% seconds = 0
% Interpretation of size 2
john = 0.
mary = 1.
- see(0,0).
- see(0,1).
- see(1,1).
The method convert2val() returns a Valuation.
>>> print mb.convert2val()
{'john': 'a',
'mary': 'b',
'see': {'a': {'a': False, 'b': False}, 'b': {'a': True, 'b': False}}}
We can return to our earlier example and inspect the model:
>>> mb = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=[a4, a5, a6])
>>> m = mb.build_model()
>>> mb.show_model(format='cooked')
% number = 1
% seconds = 0
% Interpretation of size 2
adam = 0.
eve = 0.
c1 = 1.
- man(1).
- love(0,0).
- love(1,0).
- love(1,1).
Here, we can see that adam and eve have been assigned the same
individual, namely 0 as value; 0 is both a man and a woman; a second
individual 1 is also a woman; and 0 loves 1. Thus, this is
an interpretation in which there is a woman that every man loves but
Adam doesn't love Eve.