# Natural Language Toolkit: XML Corpus Reader
# Copyright (C) 2001-2017 NLTK Project
# Author: Steven Bird <[email protected]>
# URL: <http://nltk.org/>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Corpus reader for corpora whose documents are xml files.
(note -- not named 'xml' to avoid conflicting w/ standard xml package)
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import codecs
# Use the c version of ElementTree, which is faster, if possible:
try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree
from six import string_types
from nltk.data import SeekableUnicodeStreamReader
from nltk.tokenize import WordPunctTokenizer
from nltk.internals import ElementWrapper
from nltk.corpus.reader.api import CorpusReader
from nltk.corpus.reader.util import *
[docs]class XMLCorpusReader(CorpusReader):
Corpus reader for corpora whose documents are xml files.
Note that the ``XMLCorpusReader`` constructor does not take an
``encoding`` argument, because the unicode encoding is specified by
the XML files themselves. See the XML specs for more info.
def __init__(self, root, fileids, wrap_etree=False):
self._wrap_etree = wrap_etree
CorpusReader.__init__(self, root, fileids)
[docs] def xml(self, fileid=None):
# Make sure we have exactly one file -- no concatenating XML.
if fileid is None and len(self._fileids) == 1:
fileid = self._fileids[0]
if not isinstance(fileid, string_types):
raise TypeError('Expected a single file identifier string')
# Read the XML in using ElementTree.
elt = ElementTree.parse(self.abspath(fileid).open()).getroot()
# If requested, wrap it.
if self._wrap_etree:
elt = ElementWrapper(elt)
# Return the ElementTree element.
return elt
[docs] def words(self, fileid=None):
Returns all of the words and punctuation symbols in the specified file
that were in text nodes -- ie, tags are ignored. Like the xml() method,
fileid can only specify one file.
:return: the given file's text nodes as a list of words and punctuation symbols
:rtype: list(str)
elt = self.xml(fileid)
encoding = self.encoding(fileid)
iterator = elt.getiterator()
out = []
for node in iterator:
text = node.text
if text is not None:
if isinstance(text, bytes):
text = text.decode(encoding)
toks = word_tokenizer.tokenize(text)
return out
[docs] def raw(self, fileids=None):
if fileids is None: fileids = self._fileids
elif isinstance(fileids, string_types): fileids = [fileids]
return concat([self.open(f).read() for f in fileids])
[docs]class XMLCorpusView(StreamBackedCorpusView):
A corpus view that selects out specified elements from an XML
file, and provides a flat list-like interface for accessing them.
(Note: ``XMLCorpusView`` is not used by ``XMLCorpusReader`` itself,
but may be used by subclasses of ``XMLCorpusReader``.)
Every XML corpus view has a "tag specification", indicating what
XML elements should be included in the view; and each (non-nested)
element that matches this specification corresponds to one item in
the view. Tag specifications are regular expressions over tag
paths, where a tag path is a list of element tag names, separated
by '/', indicating the ancestry of the element. Some examples:
- ``'foo'``: A top-level element whose tag is ``foo``.
- ``'foo/bar'``: An element whose tag is ``bar`` and whose parent
is a top-level element whose tag is ``foo``.
- ``'.*/foo'``: An element whose tag is ``foo``, appearing anywhere
in the xml tree.
- ``'.*/(foo|bar)'``: An wlement whose tag is ``foo`` or ``bar``,
appearing anywhere in the xml tree.
The view items are generated from the selected XML elements via
the method ``handle_elt()``. By default, this method returns the
element as-is (i.e., as an ElementTree object); but it can be
overridden, either via subclassing or via the ``elt_handler``
constructor parameter.
#: If true, then display debugging output to stdout when reading
#: blocks.
_DEBUG = False
#: The number of characters read at a time by this corpus reader.
_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024
def __init__(self, fileid, tagspec, elt_handler=None):
Create a new corpus view based on a specified XML file.
Note that the ``XMLCorpusView`` constructor does not take an
``encoding`` argument, because the unicode encoding is
specified by the XML files themselves.
:type tagspec: str
:param tagspec: A tag specification, indicating what XML
elements should be included in the view. Each non-nested
element that matches this specification corresponds to one
item in the view.
:param elt_handler: A function used to transform each element
to a value for the view. If no handler is specified, then
``self.handle_elt()`` is called, which returns the element
as an ElementTree object. The signature of elt_handler is::
elt_handler(elt, tagspec) -> value
if elt_handler: self.handle_elt = elt_handler
self._tagspec = re.compile(tagspec+r'\Z')
"""The tag specification for this corpus view."""
self._tag_context = {0: ()}
"""A dictionary mapping from file positions (as returned by
``stream.seek()`` to XML contexts. An XML context is a
tuple of XML tag names, indicating which tags have not yet
been closed."""
encoding = self._detect_encoding(fileid)
StreamBackedCorpusView.__init__(self, fileid, encoding=encoding)
def _detect_encoding(self, fileid):
if isinstance(fileid, PathPointer):
infile = fileid.open()
s = infile.readline()
with open(fileid, 'rb') as infile:
s = infile.readline()
if s.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE):
return 'utf-16-be'
if s.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):
return 'utf-16-le'
if s.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE):
return 'utf-32-be'
if s.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE):
return 'utf-32-le'
if s.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
return 'utf-8'
m = re.match(br'\s*<\?xml\b.*\bencoding="([^"]+)"', s)
if m:
return m.group(1).decode()
m = re.match(br"\s*<\?xml\b.*\bencoding='([^']+)'", s)
if m:
return m.group(1).decode()
# No encoding found -- what should the default be?
return 'utf-8'
[docs] def handle_elt(self, elt, context):
Convert an element into an appropriate value for inclusion in
the view. Unless overridden by a subclass or by the
``elt_handler`` constructor argument, this method simply
returns ``elt``.
:return: The view value corresponding to ``elt``.
:type elt: ElementTree
:param elt: The element that should be converted.
:type context: str
:param context: A string composed of element tags separated by
forward slashes, indicating the XML context of the given
element. For example, the string ``'foo/bar/baz'``
indicates that the element is a ``baz`` element whose
parent is a ``bar`` element and whose grandparent is a
top-level ``foo`` element.
return elt
#: A regular expression that matches XML fragments that do not
#: contain any un-closed tags.
_VALID_XML_RE = re.compile(r"""
((<!--.*?-->) | # comment
(<![CDATA[.*?]]) | # raw character data
(<!DOCTYPE\s+[^\[]*(\[[^\]]*])?\s*>) | # doctype decl
(<[^!>][^>]*>)) # tag or PI
#: A regular expression used to extract the tag name from a start tag,
#: end tag, or empty-elt tag string.
_XML_TAG_NAME = re.compile('<\s*/?\s*([^\s>]+)')
#: A regular expression used to find all start-tags, end-tags, and
#: emtpy-elt tags in an XML file. This regexp is more lenient than
#: the XML spec -- e.g., it allows spaces in some places where the
#: spec does not.
_XML_PIECE = re.compile(r"""
# Include these so we can skip them:
(?P<COMMENT> <!--.*?--> )|
(?P<CDATA> <![CDATA[.*?]]> )|
(?P<PI> <\?.*?\?> )|
(?P<DOCTYPE> <!DOCTYPE\s+[^\[^>]*(\[[^\]]*])?\s*>)|
# These are the ones we actually care about:
(?P<EMPTY_ELT_TAG> <\s*[^>/\?!\s][^>]*/\s*> )|
(?P<START_TAG> <\s*[^>/\?!\s][^>]*> )|
(?P<END_TAG> <\s*/[^>/\?!\s][^>]*> )""",
def _read_xml_fragment(self, stream):
Read a string from the given stream that does not contain any
un-closed tags. In particular, this function first reads a
block from the stream of size ``self._BLOCK_SIZE``. It then
checks if that block contains an un-closed tag. If it does,
then this function either backtracks to the last '<', or reads
another block.
fragment = ''
if isinstance(stream, SeekableUnicodeStreamReader):
startpos = stream.tell()
while True:
# Read a block and add it to the fragment.
xml_block = stream.read(self._BLOCK_SIZE)
fragment += xml_block
# Do we have a well-formed xml fragment?
if self._VALID_XML_RE.match(fragment):
return fragment
# Do we have a fragment that will never be well-formed?
if re.search('[<>]', fragment).group(0) == '>':
pos = stream.tell() - (
len(fragment)-re.search('[<>]', fragment).end())
raise ValueError('Unexpected ">" near char %s' % pos)
# End of file?
if not xml_block:
raise ValueError('Unexpected end of file: tag not closed')
# If not, then we must be in the middle of a <..tag..>.
# If appropriate, backtrack to the most recent '<'
# character.
last_open_bracket = fragment.rfind('<')
if last_open_bracket > 0:
if self._VALID_XML_RE.match(fragment[:last_open_bracket]):
if isinstance(stream, SeekableUnicodeStreamReader):
stream.seek(-(len(fragment)-last_open_bracket), 1)
return fragment[:last_open_bracket]
# Otherwise, read another block. (i.e., return to the
# top of the loop.)
[docs] def read_block(self, stream, tagspec=None, elt_handler=None):
Read from ``stream`` until we find at least one element that
matches ``tagspec``, and return the result of applying
``elt_handler`` to each element found.
if tagspec is None: tagspec = self._tagspec
if elt_handler is None: elt_handler = self.handle_elt
# Use a stack of strings to keep track of our context:
context = list(self._tag_context.get(stream.tell()))
assert context is not None # check this -- could it ever happen?
elts = []
elt_start = None # where does the elt start
elt_depth = None # what context depth
elt_text = ''
while elts==[] or elt_start is not None:
if isinstance(stream, SeekableUnicodeStreamReader):
startpos = stream.tell()
xml_fragment = self._read_xml_fragment(stream)
# End of file.
if not xml_fragment:
if elt_start is None: break
else: raise ValueError('Unexpected end of file')
# Process each <tag> in the xml fragment.
for piece in self._XML_PIECE.finditer(xml_fragment):
if self._DEBUG:
print('%25s %s' % ('/'.join(context)[-20:], piece.group()))
if piece.group('START_TAG'):
name = self._XML_TAG_NAME.match(piece.group()).group(1)
# Keep context up-to-date.
# Is this one of the elts we're looking for?
if elt_start is None:
if re.match(tagspec, '/'.join(context)):
elt_start = piece.start()
elt_depth = len(context)
elif piece.group('END_TAG'):
name = self._XML_TAG_NAME.match(piece.group()).group(1)
# sanity checks:
if not context:
raise ValueError('Unmatched tag </%s>' % name)
if name != context[-1]:
raise ValueError('Unmatched tag <%s>...</%s>' %
(context[-1], name))
# Is this the end of an element?
if elt_start is not None and elt_depth == len(context):
elt_text += xml_fragment[elt_start:piece.end()]
elts.append( (elt_text, '/'.join(context)) )
elt_start = elt_depth = None
elt_text = ''
# Keep context up-to-date
elif piece.group('EMPTY_ELT_TAG'):
name = self._XML_TAG_NAME.match(piece.group()).group(1)
if elt_start is None:
if re.match(tagspec, '/'.join(context)+'/'+name):
if elt_start is not None:
# If we haven't found any elements yet, then keep
# looping until we do.
if elts == []:
elt_text += xml_fragment[elt_start:]
elt_start = 0
# If we've found at least one element, then try
# backtracking to the start of the element that we're
# inside of.
# take back the last start-tag, and return what
# we've gotten so far (elts is non-empty).
if self._DEBUG:
print(' '*36+'(backtrack)')
if isinstance(stream, SeekableUnicodeStreamReader):
stream.seek(-(len(xml_fragment)-elt_start), 1)
context = context[:elt_depth-1]
elt_start = elt_depth = None
elt_text = ''
# Update the _tag_context dict.
pos = stream.tell()
if pos in self._tag_context:
assert tuple(context) == self._tag_context[pos]
self._tag_context[pos] = tuple(context)
return [elt_handler(ElementTree.fromstring(
elt.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')),
for (elt, context) in elts]