Contribute to NLTK ================== The Natural Language Toolkit exists thanks to the efforts of dozens of voluntary developers who have contributed functionality and bugfixes since the project began in 2000 (`contributors `_). Information for contributors: * `contributing to NLTK `_ * `desired enhancements `_ * `contribute a corpus `_ * `nltk-dev mailing list `_ * `GitHub Project `_ NLTK Team --------- The NLTK project is led by `Steven Bird and Liling Tan `_. Individual packages are maintained by the following people: :Semantics: `Dan Garrette `_, Austin, USA (``nltk.sem, nltk.inference``) :Parsing: `Peter Ljunglöf `_, Gothenburg, Sweden (``nltk.parse, nltk.featstruct``) :Metrics: `Joel Nothman `_, Sydney, Australia (``nltk.metrics, nltk.tokenize.punkt``) :Python 3: `Mikhail Korobov `_, Ekaterinburg, Russia :Releases: `Steven Bird `_, Melbourne, Australia :NLTK-Users: `Alexis Dimitriadis `_, Utrecht, Netherlands