Unit test cases for toolbox

>>> from nltk import toolbox


>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()


>>> import os, tempfile
>>> (fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
>>> tf = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
>>> _ = tf.write('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> tf.close()
>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open(fname)
>>> list(f.fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]
>>> f.close()
>>> os.unlink(fname)


>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]
>>> f.close()


>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]
>>> f.close()


StandardFormat.line_num contains the line number of the last line returned:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n\\lx a third value\n')
>>> line_nums = []
>>> for l in f.raw_fields():
...     line_nums.append(f.line_num)
>>> line_nums
[1, 2, 3]

StandardFormat.line_num contains the line number of the last line returned:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx two\nlines\n\\lx three\nlines\n\n\\lx two\nlines\n')
>>> line_nums = []
>>> for l in f.raw_fields():
...     line_nums.append(f.line_num)
>>> line_nums
[2, 5, 7]

StandardFormat.line_num doesn't exist before openning or after closing a file or string:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.line_num
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'StandardFormat' object has no attribute 'line_num'
>>> f.open_string('\\lx two\nlines\n\\lx three\nlines\n\n\\lx two\nlines\n')
>>> line_nums = []
>>> for l in f.raw_fields():
...     line_nums.append(f.line_num)
>>> line_nums
[2, 5, 7]
>>> f.close()
>>> f.line_num
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'StandardFormat' object has no attribute 'line_num'


raw_fields() returns an iterator over tuples of two strings representing the marker and its value. The marker is given without the backslash and the value without its trailing newline:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]

an empty file returns nothing:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())

file with only a newline returns WHAT SHOULD IT RETURN???:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[(None, '')]

file with only one field should be parsed ok:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx one value\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'one value')]

file without a trailing newline should be parsed ok:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\\lx another value')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]

trailing white space is preserved except for the final newline:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx trailing space \n\\lx trailing tab\t\n\\lx extra newline\n\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'trailing space '), ('lx', 'trailing tab\t'), ('lx', 'extra newline\n')]

line wrapping is preserved:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\nmore of the value\nand still more\n\\lc another val\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value\nmore of the value\nand still more'), ('lc', 'another val')]

file beginning with a multiline record should be parsed ok:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\nmore of the value\nand still more\n\\lc another val\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value\nmore of the value\nand still more'), ('lc', 'another val')]

file ending with a multiline record should be parsed ok:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lc a value\n\\lx another value\nmore of the value\nand still more\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lc', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value\nmore of the value\nand still more')]

file beginning with a BOM should be parsed ok:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\xef\xbb\xbf\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]

file beginning with two BOMs should ignore only the first one:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\xef\xbb\xbf\xef\xbb\xbf\\lx a value\n\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[(None, '\xef\xbb\xbf\\lx a value'), ('lx', 'another value')]

should not ignore a BOM not at the beginning of the file:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\n\xef\xbb\xbf\\lx another value\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('lx', 'a value\n\xef\xbb\xbf\\lx another value')]


trailing white space is not preserved:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx trailing space \n\\lx trailing tab\t\n\\lx extra newline\n\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('lx', 'trailing space'), ('lx', 'trailing tab'), ('lx', 'extra newline')]

multiline fields are unwrapped:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\lx a value\nmore of the value\nand still more\n\\lc another val\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('lx', 'a value more of the value and still more'), ('lc', 'another val')]


A backslash in the first position on a new line indicates the start of a marker. The backslash is not part of the marker:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\mk a value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('mk', 'a value')]

If the backslash occurs later in the line it does not indicate the start of a marker:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\mk a value\n \\mk another one\n')
>>> list(f.raw_fields())
[('mk', 'a value\n \\mk another one')]

There is no specific limit to the length of a marker:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\this_is_an_extremely_long_marker value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('this_is_an_extremely_long_marker', 'value')]

A marker can contain any non white space character:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\`~!@#$%^&*()_-=+[{]}\|,<.>/?;:"0123456789 value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('`~!@#$%^&*()_-=+[{]}\\|,<.>/?;:"0123456789', 'value')]

A marker is terminated by any white space character:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\mk a value\n\\mk\tanother one\n\\mk\rthird one\n\\mk\ffourth one')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('mk', 'a value'), ('mk', 'another one'), ('mk', 'third one'), ('mk', 'fourth one')]

Consecutive whitespace characters (except newline) are treated the same as one:

>>> f = toolbox.StandardFormat()
>>> f.open_string('\\mk \t\r\fa value\n')
>>> list(f.fields())
[('mk', 'a value')]


>>> db = toolbox.ToolboxData()


check that normal parsing works:

>>> from xml.etree import ElementTree
>>> td = toolbox.ToolboxData()
>>> s = """\\_sh v3.0  400  Rotokas Dictionary
... \\_DateStampHasFourDigitYear
... \\lx kaa
... \\ps V.A
... \\ge gag
... \\gp nek i pas
... \\lx kaa
... \\ps V.B
... \\ge strangle
... \\gp pasim nek
... """
>>> td.open_string(s)
>>> tree = td.parse(key='lx')
>>> tree.tag
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[0]).decode('utf8')
'<header><_sh>v3.0  400  Rotokas Dictionary</_sh><_DateStampHasFourDigitYear /></header>'
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[1]).decode('utf8')
'<record><lx>kaa</lx><ps>V.A</ps><ge>gag</ge><gp>nek i pas</gp></record>'
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[2]).decode('utf8')
'<record><lx>kaa</lx><ps>V.B</ps><ge>strangle</ge><gp>pasim nek</gp></record>'

check that guessing the key marker works:

>>> from xml.etree import ElementTree
>>> td = toolbox.ToolboxData()
>>> s = """\\_sh v3.0  400  Rotokas Dictionary
... \\_DateStampHasFourDigitYear
... \\lx kaa
... \\ps V.A
... \\ge gag
... \\gp nek i pas
... \\lx kaa
... \\ps V.B
... \\ge strangle
... \\gp pasim nek
... """
>>> td.open_string(s)
>>> tree = td.parse()
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[0]).decode('utf8')
'<header><_sh>v3.0  400  Rotokas Dictionary</_sh><_DateStampHasFourDigitYear /></header>'
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[1]).decode('utf8')
'<record><lx>kaa</lx><ps>V.A</ps><ge>gag</ge><gp>nek i pas</gp></record>'
>>> ElementTree.tostring(list(tree)[2]).decode('utf8')
'<record><lx>kaa</lx><ps>V.B</ps><ge>strangle</ge><gp>pasim nek</gp></record>'

toolbox functions
