Nuxeo Enterprise Platform: the User Guide

Solen Guitter
Nuxeo SAS

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2; with Invariant Section “Commercial Support”, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is available at the URL:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. First steps with Nuxeo EP
2.1. Connecting to Nuxeo EP
2.1.1. Logging in
2.1.2. Logging out
2.2. Moving around
2.2.1. Navigation tree
2.2.2. Breadcrumb trail
2.2.3. Dashboard
2.2.4. Tabs
3. Concepts
3.1. Domains
3.2. Workspaces
3.3. Sections
3.4. Templates
3.5. Access rights
3.5.1. Restricted reading rights
3.5.2. Reading rights
3.5.3. Writing rights
3.5.4. Removing rights
3.5.5. Management rights
4. Managing documents
4.1. Creating a document
4.1.1. Creating a folder
4.1.2. Creating a note
4.1.3. Creating a file
4.2. Reading a document
4.3. Modifying documents
4.3.1. Modifying a document
4.3.2. Editing the content of a file online
4.3.3. Editing the metadata of a document
4.3.4. Modifying several documents in a row
4.4. Managing the attached files of a document
4.4.1. Adding a file
4.4.2. Consulting the attached files
4.4.3. Modifying an attached file
4.4.4. Removing an attached file
4.5. Copying a document
4.6. Managing your clipboard and your worklist
4.6.1. Managing clipboard
4.6.2. Managing the worklist
4.7. Consulting the document's history
4.7.1. Consulting the archived versions of a document
4.7.2. Restoring the previous version of a document
4.8. Deleting a document
4.8.1. Moving a document into trash
4.8.2. Deleting a document permanently
4.8.3. Restoring a document
4.9. Managing relations
4.9.1. Adding a relation
4.9.2. Consulting the relations of a document
4.9.3. Deleting a relation
4.10. Managing workflows
4.10.1. Consulting your dashboard
4.10.2. Managing a serial workflow
4.10.3. Managing a parallel workflow
4.10.4. Managing an approbation workflow
4.10.5. Abandoning a workflow
4.10.6. Managing your participants lists
5. Document publishing
5.1. Submitting a document to publication
5.2. Publishing the document
5.3. Rejecting the document
5.4. Reading published documents
5.5. Unpublishing a document
6. Collaborative tools
6.1. Searching users
6.1.1. Finding a user
6.1.2. Finding a group
6.2. Commenting a document
6.2.1. Reading the comments of a document
6.2.2. Adding comments on a document
6.2.3. Replying to a comment
6.2.4. Deleting comments on a document
6.3. Managing a forum
6.3.1. Creating a forum
6.3.2. Modifying a forum
6.3.3. Managing topics
6.3.4. Participating to a topic
6.3.5. Moderating a topic
6.4. Getting informed
6.4.1. Emails
6.4.2. Notifications
6.4.3. RSS and Atom feeds
7. Functional Management of Nuxeo EP
7.1. Managing domains
7.1.1. Accessing a domain
7.1.2. Creating a domain
7.1.3. Modifying a domain
7.1.4. Editing the metadata of a domain
7.1.5. Deleting a domain
7.2. Managing workspaces and sections
7.2.1. Accessing a workspace
7.2.2. Creating a workspace
7.2.3. Modifying a workspace
7.2.4. Editing the metadata of a workspace
7.2.5. Deleting a workspace
7.3. Managing users
7.3.1. Managing users
7.3.2. Managing groups
7.4. Managing access rights
7.4.1. Granting access rights
7.4.2. Denying access rights
7.4.3. Remove a user from local rights
7.4.4. Blocking rights inheritance
7.5. Managing vocabularies
7.5.1. Consulting the vocabularies
7.5.2. Modifying a vocabulary
7.5.3. Delete a vocabulary
7.6. Managing themes
8. Searching documents
8.1. Simple search
8.2. Advanced search
8.3. Search results export
8.4. Search results customization
8.4.1. Adding new search results columns
8.4.2. Removing search result columns
8.4.3. Moving search result columns
8.4.4. Changing search result sorting
A. Commercial Support
A.1. About Us
A.2. Contact information
A.2.1. General
A.2.2. France
A.2.3. UK