Individual Documentation Coverage
The BlobHolderAdapter provides the BlobHolderAdapterService wich give the needed BlobHolder.
A BlobHolder is an adapter that provides methods to get binaries and related metadatas.
Version: missing
Location: nuxeo-core/nuxeo-core-api/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blob-holder-service-framework.xml
No requirements
Not required
This extension point let you contribute custom factories for BlobHolder
according to DocumentType
Contribute external blob adapters. Contributed classes have to follow the
ExternalBlobAdapter interface.
Example of contribution using the default file system adapter:
<adapter class="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.externalblob.FileSystemExternalBlobAdapter" prefix="fs">
<property name="container">/tmp/</property>
Last generation: 18:17:20 CEST 25/08/2009