Individual Documentation Coverage
Service that deals with life cycle.
Version: 1.0
Location: nuxeo-core/nuxeo-core/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/LifeCycleService.xml
No requirements
Not required
Extension point for registering life cycle definition.
A life cycle is a state-transition model described as an XML document.
A life cycle within Nuxeo Core describes only the states and the
transitions without any security policy whatsoever. For instance, the
workflow service (or BPM service) will be responsible of the security
policy and actors involved.
Extension point for registering document type to life cycle mappings.
For instance, you can specify that a document type File will follow a default
life cycle where default is the name of a registered life cycle.
Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009