Individual Documentation Coverage
Core service that deals with searching.
Version: 1.0
Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-search-core/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/nxsearch-framework.xml
No requirements
Extension point allowing the contributions of search engine plugin
Extension point allowing the contributions of indexing configuration per
Extension point allowing the contributions of mappings from docType to
indexable resources names.
Extension point allowing the contributions full text index definition.
Extension point allowing the contributions of indexing event definitions.
Extension point allowing the contributions of full text blob extractors.
Extension point allowing the contributions of indexing resource type.
Extension point allowing the contributions of parameters for the indexing
thread pool.
Extension point to register custom search policies or override existing
Policies are applied checked in the order they are defined. They can add
constraints to queries performed on the search service.
Example to define a custom policy :
<policy class="" name="access" order="10" />
The class used has to implement the interface.
It is later possible to override that definition in another contribution
to that extension-point to disable or override a policy:
<policy enabled="false" name="access" />
<policy class="" name="access" order="20" />
Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009