Nuxeo 5

Nuxeo 5 Component

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50.0 %

SQL-based implementation for NXDirectory

Author: missing

Version: missing

Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-directory-sql/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/SQLDirectoryFactory.xml


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Extension Points:


This extension point can be used to register new SQL-based
directories. The extension can contain any number of directories
declarations of the form:

        <directory name="userDirectory">
            <tableReference dataFile="user2group.csv" directory="groupDirectory" field="groups" schema="user2group" sourceColumn="userId" table="user2group" targetColumn="groupId" />

Here is the description for each field:

  • schema - the name of the schema to be used for the directory

  • dataSource - the dataSource name, as registered in the
    application server.

  • table - The name of the sql table where the directory data
    will be stored.

  • dialect - Optional hibernate dialect class name; if missing,
    autodetection will be performed.

  • idField - the id field designs the primary key in the table,
    used for retrieving entries by id.

  • autoincrementIdField - if this is set true, the SQLDirectory
    will fill the id field using a generated unique number,
    otherwise the client has to supply the id.

  • dataFile - csv file from which to populate the table; the
    first line must contain the column names.

  • createTablePolicy - one of "never", "always" or
    "on_missing_columns" if this is set to "never", the table will
    never be created; if set to "always", the table will be
    created each time the application is started; if set to
    "on_missing_columns", the table will be created only if the
    schema declares some fields that are not present in the sql

  • querySizeLimit - the maximum number of results that the
    queries on this directory should return; if there are more
    results than this, an exception will be raised.

  • init-dependencies - a list of directories that should be
    initialized before this one

The references tag is used to define relations between
directories. (TODO: describe the references types.)

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Last generation: 14:21:24 CEST 11/06/2009