Individual Documentation Coverage
Version: missing
Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-directory-core/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/directory-ui-framework.xml
No requirements
Not required
This extension point can be used to register directory ui information.
<directory layout="vocabulary" name="continent" sortField="label">
<deleteConstraint class="">
<property name="targetDirectory">country</property>
<property name="targetDirectoryField">parent</property>
<directory layout="country_vocabulary" name="country" sortField="parent" />
Here the layouts "vocabulary" and "country_vocabulary" have to be
registered as layouts. The delete constraint uses a standard class that
checks if no child entry references a parent entry before granting
deletion of the parent entry. Any other delete constraint can be set,
provided it follows the
Last generation: 22:20:15 CEST 04/08/2009