Nuxeo 5

Nuxeo 5 Component

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The content template manager service provide factories to automatically create Document.
The factories are used whenever a document is created using EventListener.

Author: Thierry Delprat ([email protected])

Version: missing

Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-content-template-manager/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/content-template-framework.xml


No requirements

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Not required


Extension Points:


This service provides extension points for ContentFactory registering.

Author: Thierry Delprat ([email protected])


Define a new factory binding.

- name: name of the factory, defining a factory with the same name will override the first to be registred.
- factoryName: the name of the factory defined in the factory extensionPoint.
- targetType: The document Type for wich the factory will be executed.

-acl: set rights on document to your users.
-principal: Name of the group/user
-permission: the permission you want to set.
-granted: grant or denied the permission.

- typeName: The Type of the Document you want to create.
- id: The id of the Document you want to create.
- title: The title of the Document you want to create.
- description: The description of the Document you want to create.
- path: additionary path, added to facctoryBinding's targetType DocPath

Example of a factoryBinding Registration:

                    <factoryBinding factoryName="SimpleTemplateFactory" name="RootFactory" targetType="Root">
                        <ace granted="true" permission="Everything" principal="Administrator" />
                        <ace granted="true" permission="Everything" principal="administrators" />
                        <ace granted="true" permission="Read" principal="members" />
                        <ace granted="true" permission="Version" principal="members" />
                        <templateItem description="Nuxeo 5 default domain" id="default-domain" title="Default domain" typeName="Domain" />

Author: Thierry Delprat ([email protected])

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Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009