Individual Documentation Coverage
Core transformation service.
Allows the definition of transformation plugins and the definition of transformation
Version: 1.0
Location: nuxeo-features/nuxeo-platform-transform-compat/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/nxtransform-framework.xml
No requirements
Not required
Extension allowing one to register transformation plugins
A transformation plugin must implements :
org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.transform.interfaces.PLugin and should extend :
A plugin is responsible for a given transformation of one or several input files to one or
several output files.
For instance a plugin converting pdf to text using pdfbox :
<extension point="plugins" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.transform.service.TransformService"> <plugin class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.transform.plugin.pdfbox.impl.PDFBoxPluginImpl" destinationMimeType="plain/text" name="pdf2text"> <sourceMimeType>application/pdf</sourceMimeType> </plugin> </extension>
You can find the plugin implementation class over there :
:XXX: explain plugin options.
Extension allowing one to register transformation chains.
A transformer takes given sources and transform them using default and/or runtime
options. The transformation is performed by underlying plugins defined in a ordered
plugins chain.
In most of the cases you won't need to deploy your own transformer. You will simply need to
contribute a well configured transformer extension.
:XXX: explain transformation options forwarded to plugins as options
Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009