Individual Documentation Coverage
A component through whose extension point one can define incrementation
rules for the two version fields defined in uid (by default) schema. The
fields "major_version" and "minor_version" are positive integers
representing logical version of a document (normal format is xx:xx like
The rules can specify options to be presented to the user for versions
incrementation like "increment minor", "increment major", "no increment"
etc, or can specify what to be incremented silently (without user direct
interaction) when a document is updated.
Version: 1.0
Location: nuxeo-services/nuxeo-platform-versioning-core/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/VersioningService.xml
No requirements
EP 'rules' - one can define rules that will be applied in different cases
when a request for version incrementation appears.
May contain any number of 'docModifier' elements of the form:
<versioningRuleEdit action="ask_user" lifecycleState="*" name="sampleEditRuleAnyState">
<option default="true" value="no_inc" />
<option value="inc_minor" />
<option lifecycleTransition="transition-name" value="inc_major" />
The <versioningRuleAuto> is applied in the following situations:
This extension point allows to define which properties should be used to
set versions given a document type.
If no property definition is found for the document type, default
properties set on the service will be used (uid:major_version and
Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009