Nuxeo 5

Nuxeo 5 Component

Individual Documentation Coverage

done proportion
66.67 %

Locate or define mbeans server that will be available to the resource publisher.

Author: missing

Version: missing

Location: nuxeo-runtime/nuxeo-runtime-management/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/management-server-locator-service.xml


No requirements

Required by


Extension Points:


Here is the information that have to be provided :
the server domain name,
is this mbean server the default server,
is this mbean server already exist,
the rmiPort where this mbean server is registered into.
The following line figures out the use :

<locator domain="org.nuxeo" default="true" exist="false" rmiPort="2100"/>

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Last generation: 18:21:25 CEST 11/07/2009