class-type | ::= | |
| | class-body-type | |
| | [[?]label] typexpr -> class-type | |
class-body-type | ::= | object [( typexpr )] {class-field-spec} end |
| | class-path | |
| | [ typexpr {, typexpr} ] class-path | |
class-field-spec | ::= | inherit class-type |
| | val [mutable] inst-var-name : typexpr | |
| | method [private] method-name : poly-typexpr | |
| | method [private] virtual method-name : poly-typexpr | |
| | constraint typexpr = typexpr |
class-expr | ::= | class-path |
| | [ typexpr {, typexpr} ] class-path | |
| | ( class-expr ) | |
| | ( class-expr : class-type ) | |
| | class-expr {argument}+ | |
| | fun {parameter}+ -> class-expr | |
| | let [rec] let-binding {and let-binding} in class-expr | |
| | object [( pattern [: typexpr] )] { class-field } end | |
class-field | ::= | inherit class-expr [as value-name] |
| | val [mutable] inst-var-name [: typexpr] = expr | |
| | method [private] method-name {parameter} [: typexpr] = expr | |
| | method [private] method-name : poly-typexpr = expr | |
| | method [private] virtual method-name : poly-typexpr | |
| | constraint typexpr = typexpr | |
| | initializer expr |
expr | ::= | ... |
| | inst-var-name <- expr | |
| | {< [ inst-var-name = expr { ; inst-var-name = expr } ] >} |
class-definition | ::= | class class-binding { and class-binding } |
class-binding | ::= | [virtual] [[ type-parameters ]] class-name {parameter} [: class-type] = class-expr |
type-parameters | ::= | ' ident { , ' ident } |
class-specification | ::= | class class-spec { and class-spec } |
class-spec | ::= | [virtual] [[ type-parameters ]] class-name : class-type |
classtype-definition | ::= | class type classtype-def { and classtype-def } |
classtype-def | ::= | [virtual] [[ type-parameters ]] class-name = class-body-type |