Install OLAT as described in the installation chapter but DON'T RUN 'ant dbsetup'!! We recommend to move your existing installation from PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT/olat3 to PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT/olat6.0.x and install the 6.2.x package as your new PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT/olat3. All user data is located in the olatdata directory which should not be located in the PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT/olat3. The olatdata directory and the database won't be changed when installing the new code.
OLAT 6.2.x comes with a rich text formatting textarea field which is used in forums and many general description fields. These field now support html tags and the content of these fields need so be migrated to get rid of the former wiki syntax which gets replaced by html. This process is automatically done upon first starting 6.2.x but you may have a look into the log file for errors.
#cd PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT #rm olat (if olat is a symlink, otherwise: mv olat3 olat6.1.1) #unzip #ln -s OLAT-6.2.0-PUBLIC-XXXXX olat #cd olat #cp #vi #ant install
Your database will be upgraded with new tables/colums automatically upon the first startup.
See PATH_TO_YOUR_OLAT/database for altering code for your database. Succesfull upgrades are listet in PATH_TO_OLATDATA/system/installed_upgrades.xml
Now start tomcat.