Here you can test existing layout themes. Select a theme from the list in order to use it. Your modifications will be activated after the next login.
Here you can define the standard language is used on the OLAT login page as well as when creating new user accounts. You can select languages from supported language list that should be at the disposal of OLAT users. You can see the completion of translation in %.
For language administration you can import and export language packages.
With the release 5.2.0 the OLAT GUI can be served in two different modes. The "normal" and the "AJAX" mode. In the normal mode every page that is requested from the server gets delivered as a fully rendered HTML page with complete header and body. In the ajax mode only the components in the screen that changed are delivered to the client and displayed by dom replacement. The administration menu item "AJAX" shows which clients are fully tested and support the ajax mode. The clients are checked by the html header attribute "user-agent". You can add other user agent stings here for immediate activation. But if you want them permanent ajax activated you have to add them to the olat-config.xml file.
When the ajax mode is activated each client starts polling in periodical time. This feature is at the moment mainly used in the instant messaging stuff either for indicating that the user has a new message or while chatting. Default polling time is 10s and 2s while chatting. To increase or decrease this value see section instant messaging in the admin environment.
Every folder to which a user can updload data has a quota and an uploadlimit and belongs to a system default quota category. There are six categories (see table below).
You as OLAT administrator can change the values of the system default quotas and uploadlimits, but the system quotas itself you can not delete them. If you change the value of a system quota or uploadlimit, as you already assume, you change it for every folder which is in this category. If you like to change only one folder's quota you might add a new quota specially for this folder and the default value is overwritten. The only thing you need to is indicating the path to this folder and of course set the new quota and uploadlimit values.
An example: The system default value for the quota '::DEFAULT::USERS' is 10240 KB. That means the subfolders that are directly under /homes have the quota value 10240 KB. The user with username 'extralarge' needs more diskspace. You may create only for him a new quota whose path is '/homes/extralarge' and set the quota's value to e.g. 50000 KB. If you delete this quota the user 'extralarge' has again as before the default value 10240, if you didn't change it meanwhile.
In many cases you might edit quotas in a more convenient way. Under every folder's overview there is a 'Edit quota' button (e.g. in your personal folder) only visible for OLAT-administrators. Like this the path is already filled in.
If you are not owner or participant of OLAT group you need to select the group_id from database using the OLAT group name as follow: (assuming the OLAT groupname is 'xyz')
mysql> SELECT group_id FROM o_gp_business WHERE businessgrouptype = 'BuddyGroup' AND groupname = 'xyz'; +----------+ | group_id | +----------+ | 524290 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The path is: /cts/folders/BusinessGroup/524290
Table 7.1. Default Quotas
Default Quota | Quota (KB) | Upload Limit (KB) | Path to folder used to overwrite the default value |
::DEFAULT::USERS | 10240 | 10240 | /homes/[username] |
::DEFAULT::POWERUSERS | 10240 | 10240 | /homes/[username] |
::DEFAULT::GROUPS | 10240 | 10240 | /cts/folders/BusinessGroup/[group_id] |
::DEFAULT::REPOSITORY | 10240 | 10240 | unchangeable |
::DEFAULT::COURSEFOLDERS | 10240 | 10240 | /course/[course_id]/coursefolder |
::DEFAULT::NODEFOLDERS | 10240 | 10240 | /course/[course_id]/[foldernodes|dropboxes|taskfolders]/[node_id] |
The default values for system quotas and uploadlimits you might configure in the file as shown below:
# folder component default values: upload size and quota folder.maxulmb=10 folder.quotamb=10