Appendix D. Error codes

The codespaces:

Table D.1. optClass errors and warnings

optClass errors and warnings
1Unknown content type: content-typeThe content type passed to httpHeaders() is not a valid predefined type or a string.
2First parameter must be an array.The parameter passed to the setDefaultI18n() method must be an array.
3Specified value: "callback" is not a valid resouce function name.Trying to register a function that does not exist as a resource.
4Specified value: "callback" is not a valid OPT filter function name. Trying to register a function that does not exist as a filter.
5Specified resource type: "name" does not exist.Trying to call a template in a resource that is not defined.
6"filename" not found in the "root" directory.The template is not found in the specified location.
7"directory" is not a writeable directory.The parser requires this directory to be writeable.
8Could not load the configuration from the file "config file".Check if you entered the correct path to the configuration file, because OPT can't find it.

Table D.2. optCompiler errors and warnings

optCompiler errors and warnings
101Unexpected enclosing statement: "statement".You have not closed the tags in the correct order.
102Unexpected "item".There was a problem with compiling the template. Check if you used the correct syntax.
103Call to undefined function: "function"The template tries to call the function that does not exist.
104Unknown constant: "constant".The $opt special block tries to call undefined constant.
105Unknown OPT command: "command"The $opt special block cannot be parsed by the OPT - you have called the action that is not supported.
106Unexpected token: "token type" (token) in expression ...There is a problem with the expression syntax. The compiler found the specified token in an invalid place.
107Required parameter "parameter" not specified in "instruction" instruction.You have to set this tag parameter in order to make the compiler process the instruction.
108Invalid parameter #num in "instruction" instruction.Check, whether you have specified the correct value for it.
109Cannot use !x marker for a required parameter in "instruction" instruction.You tried to use the !x marker for a required parameter, which can be used only with optional parameters.
110__UNKNOWN__ is a reserved parameter name in "instruction" instruction.You tried to set the __UNKNOWN__ parameter for the specified instruction, but it is a reserved name.
111The "instruction" instruction requires "style" style parameters.This error is reported, if you try to use for example OPT parameter syntax, where the instruction requires XML style.
151The language block group@id does not exist.The specified language block not found in the i18n system - check, whether you have not made a mistake while typing.