1.2. Advanced installation

Unlike other PHP 5 template engines, OPT does not have a native singleton design pattern implemented. Thanks to this fact, you may extend the default optClass with additional methods, and add this pattern manually, if you really need it. Let's take a look at the sample aplication that extends the base class and adds some commonly used parts of code to the OPT.

Example 1.2. Advanced installation

	define('OPT_DIR', '../lib/');
	class myParser extends optClass
		public $pageTitle;

		public function __construct()
			$this -> root = './templates/';
			$this -> compile = './templates_c/';
			$this -> cache = './cache/';
			$this -> gzipCompression = 1;
			$this -> httpHeaders(OPT_HTML); 
		} // end __construct();
		public function display($template)
			$this -> assign('pageTitle', $this -> pageTitle);
			$this -> parse('overall_header.tpl');
			$this -> parse($template);
			$this -> parse('overall_footer.tpl');
		} // end display();
		$tpl = new myParser;
		$tpl -> pageTitle = 'My page';
		$tpl -> assign('current_date', date('d.m.Y, H:i')); 
		$tpl -> display('document.tpl');
	catch(optException $exception)

Using this way, you may extend the engine with additional features or enclose some commonly made operations in additional methods.