OpenCV  3.0.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
cv::cudev::PtrTraits< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > Member List

This is the complete list of members for cv::cudev::PtrTraits< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > >, including all inherited members.

getCols(const CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > &ptr)cv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >inlinestatic
getRows(const CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > &ptr)cv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >inlinestatic
index_type typedefcv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >
ptr_sz_type typedefcv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >
ptr_type typedefcv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >
shrinkPtr(const CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > &ptr)cv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >inlinestatic
value_type typedefcv::cudev::PtrTraitsBase< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr >, CubicInterPtr< SrcPtr > >