OpenCV  3.0.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
cv::Affine3< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for cv::Affine3< T >, including all inherited members.

Affine3()cv::Affine3< T >
Affine3(const Mat4 &affine)cv::Affine3< T >
Affine3(const Mat3 &R, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))cv::Affine3< T >
Affine3(const Vec3 &rvec, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))cv::Affine3< T >
Affine3(const Mat &data, const Vec3 &t=Vec3::all(0))cv::Affine3< T >explicit
Affine3(const float_type *vals)cv::Affine3< T >explicit
cast() const cv::Affine3< T >
concatenate(const Affine3 &affine) const cv::Affine3< T >
float_type typedefcv::Affine3< T >
Identity()cv::Affine3< T >static
inv(int method=cv::DECOMP_SVD) const cv::Affine3< T >
linear(const Mat3 &L)cv::Affine3< T >
linear() const cv::Affine3< T >
Mat3 typedefcv::Affine3< T >
Mat4 typedefcv::Affine3< T >
matrixcv::Affine3< T >
operator Affine3< Y >() const cv::Affine3< T >
rotate(const Mat3 &R) const cv::Affine3< T >
rotate(const Vec3 &rvec) const cv::Affine3< T >
rotation(const Mat3 &R)cv::Affine3< T >
rotation(const Vec3 &rvec)cv::Affine3< T >
rotation(const Mat &data)cv::Affine3< T >
rotation() const cv::Affine3< T >
rvec() const cv::Affine3< T >
translate(const Vec3 &t) const cv::Affine3< T >
translation(const Vec3 &t)cv::Affine3< T >
translation() const cv::Affine3< T >
Vec3 typedefcv::Affine3< T >