OpenGL 1.1 is the result of the contributions of many people, representing a cross section of the computer industry. Following is a partial list of the contributors, including the company that they represented at the time of their contribution:
Kurt Akeley, Silicon Graphics
Bill Armstrong, Evans & Sutherland
Andy Bigos, 3Dlabs
Pat Brown, IBM
Jim Cobb, Evans & Sutherland
Dick Coulter, Digital Equipment
Bruce D'Amora, GE Medical Systems
John Dennis, Digital Equipment
Fred Fisher, Accel Graphics
Chris Frazier, Silicon Graphics
Todd Frazier, Evans & Sutherland
Tim Freese, NCD
Ken Garnett, NCD
Mike Heck, Template Graphics Software
Dave Higgins, IBM
Phil Huxley, 3Dlabs
Dale Kirkland, Intergraph
Hock San Lee, Microsoft
Kevin LeFebvre, Hewlett Packard
Jim Miller, IBM
Tim Misner, SunSoft
Jeremy Morris, 3Dlabs
Israel Pinkas, Intel
Bimal Poddar, IBM
Lyle Ramshaw, Digital Equipment
Randi Rost, Hewlett Packard
John Schimpf, Silicon Graphics
Mark Segal, Silicon Graphics
Igor Sinyak, Intel
Jeff Stevenson, Hewlett Packard
Bill Sweeney, SunSoft
Kelvin Thompson, Portable Graphics
Neil Trevett, 3Dlabs
Linas Vepstas, IBM
Andy Vesper, Digital Equipment
Henri Warren, Megatek
Paula Womack, Silicon Graphics
Mason Woo, Silicon Graphics
Steve Wright, Microsoft