Texture coordinates associated with a vertex may either be taken from the current texture coordinates or generated according to a function dependent on vertex coordinates. The command
void TexGen[ifd] ( enum coord, enum pname, T param ) ;
void TexGen[ifd]v ( enum coord, enum pname, T params ) ;
controls texture coordinate generation. coord must be one of the constants S, T, R, or Q, indicating that the pertinent coordinate is the s, t, r, or q coordinate, respectively. In the first form of the command, param is a symbolic constant specifying a single-valued texture generation parameter; in the second form, params is a pointer to an array of values that specify texture generation parameters. pname must be one of the three symbolic constants TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, OBJECT_PLANE, or EYE_PLANE. If pname is TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then either params points to or param is an integer that is one of the symbolic constants OBJECT_LINEAR, EYE_LINEAR, or SPHERE_MAP.
If TEXTURE_GEN_MODE indicates OBJECT_LINEAR, then the generation function for the coordinate indicated by coord is
, and
are the object coordinates of the vertex.
are specified by calling TexGen with pname set to OBJECT_PLANE
in which case params points to an array containing
There is a distinct group of plane equation coefficients for each
texture coordinate;
coord indicates the coordinate to which the specified coefficients pertain.
If TEXTURE_GEN_MODE indicates EYE_LINEAR, then the function is
, and
are the eye coordinates of the vertex.
are set by calling TexGen with pname set to
EYE_PLANE in correspondence with setting the coefficients
in the OBJECT_PLANE case.
M is the model-view matrix in effect when
Computed texture coordinates may be inaccurate or undefined
if M is poorly conditioned or singular.
When used with a suitably constructed texture image,
calling TexGen with TEXTURE_GEN_MODE indicating SPHERE_MAP
can simulate the reflected image of a spherical environment on a polygon.
texture coordinates are generated as follows.
Denote the unit vector pointing from the origin to the vertex
(in eye coordinates) by .
Denote the current normal,
after transformation to eye coordinates,
the reflection vector, be given by
and let .
Then the value assigned to an s coordinate (the first TexGen argument
value is S) is
the value assigned to a t coordinate is
Calling TexGen with a coord of either R or Q when
pname indicates SPHERE_MAP generates the error INVALID_ENUM.
A texture coordinate generation function is enabled or disabled using Enable and Disable with an argument of TEXTURE_GEN_S, TEXTURE_GEN_T, TEXTURE_GEN_R, or TEXTURE_GEN_Q (each indicates the corresponding texture coordinate). When enabled, the specified texture coordinate is computed according to the current EYE_LINEAR, OBJECT_LINEAR or SPHERE_MAP specification, depending on the current setting of TEXTURE_GEN_MODE for that coordinate. When disabled, subsequent vertices will take the indicated texture coordinate from the current texture coordinates.
The state required for texture coordinate generation
comprises a three-valued integer
for each coordinate indicating coordinate generation mode,
and a bit for each coordinate to indicate whether texture coordinate
generation is enabled or disabled.
In addition,
four coefficients are required
for the four coordinates for
The initial state has the texture generation function disabled for
all texture coordinates.
The initial values of for s are all 0 except
which is one;
for t all the
are zero except
, which is 1.
The values of
for r and q are all 0.
These values of
apply for both the EYE_LINEAR and
Initially all texture generation modes are EYE_LINEAR.