D. Recordon
 B. Fitzpatrick
 May 2006

OpenID Authentication 1.1


OpenID Authenticaion provides a way to prove that an End User owns an Identity URL. It does this without passing around their password, email address, or anything they don't want it to.

OpenID is completely decentralized meaning that anyone can choose to be a Consumer or Identity Provider without having to register or be approved by any central authority. End User's can pick which Identity Provider they wish to use and preserve their Identity as they move between Providers.

While nothing in the protocol requires JavaScript or modern browsers, the authentication scheme plays nicely with "AJAX"-style setups, so an End User can prove their Identity to a Consumer without having to leave the page they are on.

The OpenID Authentication specification does not provide any mechanism to exchange profile information, though Consumers of an Identity can learn more about an End User from any public, semantically interesting documents linked thereunder (FOAF, RSS, Atom, vCARD, etc.). Extensions are being built on top of the foundation created by OpenID Authentication to provide mechanisms to exchange profile information.

Table of Contents

1.  Requirements Notation
2.  Terminology
3.  Overview
    3.1.  Transforming a HTML Document Into an Identifier
        3.1.1.  Delegating Authentication
    3.2.  Submitting a Claimed Identifier
    3.3.  Consumer Site Fetches the Identifier URL
    3.4.  Smart vs Dumb Mode
    3.5.  Consumer Verifies the Identifier
4.  Modes
    4.1.  associate
        4.1.1.  Request Parameters
        4.1.2.  Response Parameters
        4.1.3.  Extra Notes
    4.2.  checkid_immediate
        4.2.1.  Request Parameters
        4.2.2.  Response Parameters
        4.2.3.  Extra Notes
    4.3.  checkid_setup
        4.3.1.  Request Parameters
        4.3.2.  Respone Parameters
        4.3.3.  Extra Notes
    4.4.  check_authentication
        4.4.1.  Request Parameters
        4.4.2.  Response Parameters
        4.4.3.  Extra Notes
5.  Security Considerations
Appendix A.  Default Values
Appendix A.1.  Diffie-Hellman P Value
Appendix B.  Error Responses
Appendix C.  Key-Value Format
Appendix D.  Limits
Appendix E.  Misc
6.  Normative References
§  Authors' Addresses


1. Requirements Notation

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] (Bradner, B., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,” .).


2. Terminology

End User:
The actual human user who wants to prove their Identity to a Consumer.
An Identifier is just a URL. The whole flow of the OpenID Authentication protocol is about proving that an End User is, owns, a URL.
Claimed Identifier:
An Identifier that the End User says they own, though that has not yet been verified by the Consumer.
Verified Identifier:
An Identifier that the End User has proven to a Consumer that they own.
A web service that wants proof that the End User owns the Claimed Identifier.
Identity Provider:
Also called "IdP" or "Server". This is the OpenID Authentication server that a Consumer contacts for cryptographic proof that the End User owns the Claimed Identifier.
How the End User authenticates to their Identity Provider is outside of the scope of OpenID Authenticaiton.
The End User's web browser. No special plug-ins or JavaScript required.


3. Overview


3.1. Transforming a HTML Document Into an Identifier

In order for a Consumer to know the Identity Provider authoritative for an Identifier, the End User must add markup to the HEAD section of the HTML document located at their URL. The host of the HTML document is NOT REQUIRED to also be the End User's Identity Provider; the Identifier URL and Identity Provider can be fully decoupled services.

To use as the End User's Identifier as their Identity Provider, the following tag would be added to the HEAD section of the HTML document returned when fetching their Identifier URL.

<link rel="openid.server" href="">


3.1.1. Delegating Authentication

If the End User's host is not capable of running an Identity Provider, or the End User wishes to use one running on a different host, they will need to delegate their authentication. For example, if they want to use their website,, as their Identifier, but don't have the means, or desire, to run an Identity Provider.

If they have a LiveJournal account (say, user "exampleuser"), and know that LiveJournal provides an OpenID Identity Provider and that it'll assert that they control the Identifier they would be able to delegate their authentication to LiveJournal's Identity Provider..

So, to use as their Identifier, but have Consumers actually verify with the Identity Provider located at, they'd add the following tags to the HEAD section of the HTML document returned when fetching their Identifier URL.

<link rel="openid.server" href="">

<link rel="openid.delegate" href="">

Now, when a Consumer sees that, it'll talk to and ask if the End User is, never mentioning anywhere on the wire.

The main advantage of this is that an End User can keep their Identifier over many years, even as services come and go; they'll just keep changing who they delegate to.


3.1.2. Important Notes


3.2. Submitting a Claimed Identifier

Continuing this example, the End User visits a Consumer site which supports OpenID Authentication. The Consumer presents the End User with a form field for them to enter their Identifier URL.

For Example:

	      |[logo]               | [Login Button]


3.2.1. Important Notes


3.3. Consumer Site Fetches the Identifier URL

Now the Consumer site fetchs the document located at the End User's Claimed Identifier. The Consumer then parses the HEAD section for the "openid.server" and the optional "openid.delegate" declarations.


3.3.1. Important Notes


3.4. Smart vs Dumb Mode

OpenID Authentication supports both a "smart mode" and "dumb mode" to accomodate Consumers of differing capabilities. A smart Consumer does a little more work at the beginning to save itself work later, but requires local caching of state information. A dumb Consumer is completely stateless, but requires extra an HTTP request.


3.4.1. Important Notes for Smart Mode


3.5. Consumer Verifies the Identifier

The Consumer now constructs a URL to the Identity Provider's checkid_immediate (checkid_immediate) (or checkid_setup (checkid_setup)) URLs and sends the User-Agent to it.

By sending the User-Agent there, the End User's cookies and whatever other login credentials are sent back to their trusted Identity Provider. The Identity Provider does its work, appends its response onto the supplied openid.return_to URL, and sends the User-Agent back to the Consumer.


4. Modes


4.1. associate


4.1.1. Request Parameters


4.1.2. Response Parameters

Response format: Key-Value Pairs


4.1.3. Extra Notes


4.2. checkid_immediate


4.2.1. Request Parameters


4.2.2. Response Parameters

Response format: query string arguments

 TOC Always Sent

 TOC Sent on Failed Assertion

 TOC Sent on Positive Assertion


4.2.3. Extra Notes


4.3. checkid_setup


4.3.1. Request Parameters


4.3.2. Respone Parameters

Response format: query string arguments

 TOC Always Sent

 TOC Sent on Positive Assertion


4.3.3. Extra Notes


4.4. check_authentication


4.4.1. Request Parameters


4.4.2. Response Parameters

Response format: Key-Value Pairs


4.4.3. Extra Notes


5. Security Considerations


Appendix A. Default Values


Appendix A.1. Diffie-Hellman P Value

1551728981814736974712322577637155\ 3991572480196691540447970779531405\ 7629378541917580651227423698188993\ 7278161526466314385615958256881888\ 8995127215884267541995034125870655\ 6549803580104870537681476726513255\ 7470407658574792912915723345106432\ 4509471500722962109419434978392598\ 4760375594985848253359305585439638443


Appendix B. Error Responses

This section pertains to protocol/run-time errors, not authentication errors. Authentication errors are defined in the protocol.


Appendix C. Key-Value Format

Lines of:


Appendix D. Limits


Appendix E. Misc


6. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, B., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.”
[RFC2396] Berners-Lee, T., “Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax.”
[RFC2631] Rescorla, E., “Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method.”


Authors' Addresses

  David Recordon
Email:  [email protected]
  Brad Fitzpatrick
Email:  [email protected]