
LzFontManager (as2)


JavaScript: LzFontManager
Type: Object
Access: private
Runtimes: as2
Topic: Kernel.AS2
Declared in: WEB-INF/lps/lfc/kernel/swf/


Static Properties (4)

static private var __clientFontNames = null;
static private var __fontFamilyMap = { ... };
static private var __fontnameCacheMap = { ... };
static private var __genericClientFontFamilyNames = { ... };

Static Methods (6)

static private function addFont(fontname, n : Object, b : Object, i : Object, bi : Object);
Creates an LzFont with the given parameters and adds it to the font list.
static private function addStyle(f, s) : LzFont;
Apply/add the requested style to the given LzFont and return the new LzFont .
static private function __convertFontName(name);
Convert an LZX font name to one that the Flash runtime can render. This involves removing whitespace, and changing CSS generic font family names such as 'sans-serif' to Flash names such as '_sans'.
static private function __findMatchingFont(str);
Return the first name that can be rendered, or the first name if none of the names can be rendered. str is a comma-separate list of font names.
static private function __fontExists(str);
static private function getFont(fontname : String, style : String) : any;
Get the named LzFont of the given style.

JavaScript Synopsis

private var LzFontManager = { ... };