Part II. Overview

Table of Contents

1. OpenLaszlo Architecture
1. Deployment Modes
2. Client and Server: Synopsis
3. Laszlo Server Architecture
4. OpenLaszlo Client Architecture
5. Data Flow of an OpenLaszlo Server-proxied OpenLaszlo Application
6. Security Model
7. Platform Support for Multiple Devices
8. Accessibility
2. Language Preliminaries
1. Overview of Syntax and Semantics
2. Objects and Attributes
3. Events and Methods
4. Constraints
5. Data Access, Manipulation, and Binding
6. Combining Tags and Script in LZX Programs
7. Compilation and Execution
8. On Runtimes and Deployment Modes and the "Core" API
3. OpenLaszlo for Designers
1. Overview
2. Continuous interaction instead of page refresh
3. Design Process
4. How Does It Look?
5. Using Resources
6. Bitmap vs. Vector-Based Resource Files
7. Fonts
8. OpenLaszlo Components Design Guide
4. Overview of OpenLaszlo Application Development
1. The program development cycle in a nutshell
2. From "Hello, World" to real programs