Part III. Tutorial Introduction

Table of Contents

5. OpenLaszlo Basics
1. Building a simple OpenLaszlo application
6. Introduction to Components
1. Overview
2. Building with Components
7. Introduction to Views
1. Introduction
2. Constraints and Modifiers
3. Layouts and container views
8. Introduction to Media and Art Assets
1. Runtime Considerations
2. Resources
3. Ways to include resources
4. File types
5. Multi-frame Resources
6. Working with SWFs
9. Introduction to Text and Fonts
1. Introduction
2. The <text> tag
3. Multiline text
4. Including HTML markup in OpenLaszlo applications
5. Fonts
6. Changing Text
7. Input Text
10. Introduction to Scripting
1. Introduction
2. The <script> tag
3. Functions
4. Methods
5. Addressing
6. Methods and arguments
7. Using attributes to reduce complexity
11. Introduction to Databinding
1. Introduction
2. The Basics
3. Ways to include data
4. Datapointers
12. Introduction to Classes and Object Oriented Programming
1. Introduction
2. Inheritance
3. Attributes
4. More Inheritance
5. Placing views inside of classes
13. Introduction to Drawing
1. Background of the programming model
2. The drawview
3. Integrating drawviews into OpenLaszlo applications
14. Building a Calculator
1. Introduction
2. Visual Layout
3. Using Classes to Simplify
4. Separating Across Files