
Table of Contents

connection (LzConnection) (as2) — A connection manager to create a persistent connection and an authenticated session.
connectiondatasource (LzConnectionDatasource) (as2) — The connection datasource to receive and send messages through the persistent connection.
LzDataNode — The base class for a node of hierarchical data.
datapath (LzDatapath) — The binder between data and nodes.
datapointer (LzDatapointer) — A cursor in a dataset.
dataset (LzDataset) — An in-memory xml-style data hierarchy.
datasource (LzDatasource) — An abstract class to represent backend data sources.
LzDataText — Represents a text node in a set of data.
datasource (LzHTTPDatasource) — A way of representing a server-side HTTP datasource.
LzLazyReplicationManager — An optimization for displaying large sets of data.
LzReplicationManager — The controller for views replicated by data.
LzResizeReplicationManager — An optimization for displaying large sets of data that allows the elements to resize.