1.5 Contributors

Many people have contributed to this document. This section contains a partial list of sources used in its compilation. If you are aware of additional sources, please add them here.

Note: Some references may be to SWAN-internal URLs. If this content is made public at a later time, these URLs should be updated. In all cases, however, the intent is to document sources as well as possible rather than provide a fully usable bibliography.

Adams, Jonathan; Bustos, David; Rhyason, Jeff. "Creating an Install Archive with Install." http://on-faq.eng.sun.com/onbld-serve/cache/94.html.

Unknown. "What are BFU Conflicts and How Do I Resolve Them?" http://on-faq.eng.sun.com/onbld-serve/cache/189.html

Unknown. "BFU." /ws/onnv-gate/public/bfu.README.

ARC Chairs, Interface Taxonomy. http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/interface-taxonomy/.

Miscellaneous Sources:

/shared/ON/general_docs/keyword_info.txt, /shared/ON/general_docs/lint_tips.txt, usr/src/uts/README, usr/src/lib/README.Makefiles, /ws/onnv-gate/public/README

Ben Rockwood contributed much to early drafts of this document. Alan Burlison added the initial POD tags. Mike Sullivan, Mike Kupfer, John Beck, and Shanon Loveridge provided review comments.