How to Define Configuration Objectives
You can specify objectives for poold to consider when taking corrective action.
In the following procedure, the wt-load objective is being set so that poold tries to match resource allocation to resource utilization. The locality objective is disabled to assist in achieving this configuration goal.
Become superuser, or assume a role that includes the Process Management profile.
The System Administrator role includes the Process Management profile. For more information about roles, see "Using the Solaris Management Tools With RBAC (Task Map)" in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
Modify system tester to favor the wt-load objective.
# poolcfg -c 'modify system tester (string system.poold.objectives="wt-load")'
Disable the locality objective for the default processor set.
# poolcfg -c 'modify pset pset_default (string pset.poold.objectives="locality none")'one line
Disable the locality objective for the pset_batch processor set.
# poolcfg -c 'modify pset pset_batch (string pset.poold.objectives="locality none")'one line
Display the edited configuration.
# poolcfg -c info system tester string system.comment int system.version 1 boolean system.bind-default true int 177916 string system.poold.objectives wt-load pool pool_default int pool.sys_id 0 boolean true boolean pool.default true int pool.importance 1 string pool.comment pset pset_default pset pset_default int pset.sys_id -1 boolean pset.default true uint pset.min 1 uint pset.max 65536 string pset.units population uint pset.load 10 uint pset.size 4 string pset.comment boolean testnullchanged true string pset.poold.objectives locality none cpu int cpu.sys_id 3 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line cpu int cpu.sys_id 2 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line cpu int cpu.sys_id 1 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line cpu int cpu.sys_id 0 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line pool pool_batch boolean pool.default false boolean true int pool.importance 1 string pool.comment string pool.scheduler FSS pset batch pset pset_batch int pset.sys_id -2 string pset.units population boolean pset.default true uint pset.max 10 uint pset.min 2 string pset.comment boolean pset.escapable false uint pset.load 0 uint pset.size 0 string pset.poold.objectives locality none cpu int cpu.sys_id 5 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line cpu int cpu.sys_id 4 string cpu.comment string cpu.status on-line
Commit the configuration at /etc/pooladm.conf.
# pooladm -c
(Optional) To copy the dynamic configuration to a static configuration file called /tmp/backup, type the following:
# pooladm -s /tmp/backup
How to Set the poold Logging
To specify the level of logging information that poold generates, set the system.poold.log-level property in the poold configuration. The poold configuration is held in the libpool configuration. For information, see poold Logging Information and the poolcfg(1M) and libpool(3LIB) man pages.
You can also use the poold command at the command line to specify the level of logging information that poold generates.
Become superuser, or assume a role that includes the Process Management profile.
The System Administrator role includes the Process Management profile. For more information about roles, see "Using the Solaris Management Tools With RBAC (Task Map)" in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
Set the logging level by using the poold command with the -l option and a parameter, for example, INFO.
# /usr/lib/pool/poold -l INFO
For information about available parameters, see poold Logging Information. The default logging level is NOTICE.