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Resource Type Properties

Some resource types also have properties to configure. The following properties are associated with the resource types shown.


ncpus, importance

Specify the number of CPUs and, optionally, the relative importance of the pool. The following example specifies a CPU range for use by the zone my-zone, so importance is also set.

zonecfg:my-zone> add dedicated-cpu
zonecfg:my-zone:dedicated-cpu> set ncpus=1-3
zonecfg:my-zone:dedicated-cpu> set importance=2
zonecfg:my-zone:dedicated-cpu> end


physical, swap, locked

Specify the memory limits for the zone my-zone. Each limit is optional, but at least one must be set.

zonecfg:my-zone> add capped-memory
zonecfg:my-zone:capped-memory> set physical=50m
zonecfg:my-zone:capped-memory> set swap=100m
zonecfg:my-zone:capped-memory> set locked=30m
zonecfg:my-zone:capped-memory> end


dir, special, raw, type, options

fs resource properties supply the values that determine how and where to mount file systems.

The lines in the following example specify that /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 in the global zone is to be mounted as /mnt in a zone being configured. The raw property specifies an optional device on which the fsck command is to be run before an attempt is made to mount the file system. The file system type to use is UFS. The options nodevices and logging are added.

zonecfg:my-zone> add fs
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> set dir=/mnt
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> set special=/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> set type=ufs
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> add options [nodevices,logging]
zonecfg:my-zone:fs> end

For more information, see The -o nosuid Option, Security Restrictions and File System Behavior, and the fsck(1M) and mount(1M) man pages. Also note that section 1M man pages are available for mount options that are unique to a specific file system. The names of these man pages have the form mount_filesystem.

Note - To add a ZFS file system using the fs resource property, see "Adding ZFS File Systems to a Non-Global Zone" in Solaris ZFS Administration Guide.



The lines in the following example specify that the dataset sales is to be visible and mounted in the non-global zone and no longer visible in the global zone.

zonecfg:my-zone> add dataset
zonecfg:my-zone> set name=tank/sales
zonecfg:my-zone> end



The lines in the following example specify that /opt/sfw is to be loopback mounted from the global zone.

zonecfg:my-zone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:my-zone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/opt/sfw
zonecfg:my-zone:inherit-pkg-dir> end


address, physical

In the following example, IP address is added to a zone. An hme0 card is used for the physical interface.

zonecfg:my-zone> add net
zonecfg:my-zone:net> set physical=hme0
zonecfg:my-zone:net> set address=
zonecfg:my-zone:net> end

Note - To determine which physical interface to use, type ifconfig -a on your system. Each line of the output, other than loopback driver lines, begins with the name of a card installed on your system. Lines that contain LOOPBACK in the descriptions do not apply to cards.



In the following example, a /dev/pts device is included in a zone.

zonecfg:my-zone> add device
zonecfg:my-zone:device> set match=/dev/pts*
zonecfg:my-zone:device> end

Note - See Device Use in Non-Global Zones.


name, value

The following zone-wide resource controls are available.

  • zone.cpu-shares (preferred: cpu-shares)

  • zone.max-locked-memory (preferred: max-locked-memory)

  • zone.max-lwps (preferred: max-lwps

  • zone.max-msg-ids (preferred: max-msg-ids

  • zone.max-sem-ids (preferred: max-sem-ids

  • zone.max-shm-ids (preferred: max-shm-ids

  • zone.max-shm-memory (preferred: max-shm-memory

Note that the preferred way to set rctl values is to use the global property name associated with the specific rctl as shown in How to Configure the Zone. If zone-wide resource control entries in a zone are configured using add rctl, the format is different than resource control entries in the project database. In a zone configuration, the rctl resource type consists of three name/value pairs. The names are priv, limit, and action. Each of the names takes a simple value.

zonecfg:my-zone> add rctl
zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> set name=zone.cpu-shares
zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=10,action=none)zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> end

zonecfg:my-zone> add rctl
zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> set name=zone.max-lwps
zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=100,action=deny)
zonecfg:my-zone:rctl> end

For general information about resource controls and attributes, see Chapter 6, Resource Controls (Overview) and Resource Controls Used in Non-Global Zones.


name, type, value

In the following example, a comment about a zone is added.

zonecfg:my-zone> add attr
zonecfg:my-zone:attr> set name=comment
zonecfg:my-zone:attr> set type=string
zonecfg:my-zone:attr> set value="Production zone"
zonecfg:my-zone:attr> end

You can use the export subcommand to print a zone configuration to standard output. The configuration is saved in a form that can be used in a command file.

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