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Commands Used With Projects and Tasks

The commands that are shown in the following table provide the primary administrative interface to the project and task facilities.

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Displays project memberships for users. Lists projects from project database. Prints information on given projects. If no project names are supplied, information is displayed for all projects. Use the projects command with the -l option to print verbose output.


Executes the user's default shell or specified command, placing the execution command in a new task that is owned by the specified project. newtask can also be used to change the task and the project binding for a running process. Use with the -F option to create a finalized task.


Updates information in the password files. Use with the -K key=value option to add to user attributes or replace user attributes in local files.


Adds a new project entry to the /etc/project file. The projadd command creates a project entry only on the local system. projadd cannot change information that is supplied by the network naming service.

Can be used to edit project files other than the default file, /etc/project. Provides syntax checking for project file. Validates and edits project attributes. Supports scaled values.


Modifies information for a project on the local system. projmod cannot change information that is supplied by the network naming service. However, the command does verify the uniqueness of the project name and project ID against the external naming service.

Can be used to edit project files other than the default file, /etc/project. Provides syntax checking for project file. Validates and edits project attributes. Can be used to add a new attribute, add values to an attribute, or remove an attribute. Supports scaled values.


Deletes a project from the local system. projdel cannot change information that is supplied by the network naming service.


Adds default project definitions to the local files. Use with the -K key=value option to add or replace user attributes.


Deletes a user's account from the local file.


Modifies a user's login information on the system. Use with the -K key=value option to add or replace user attributes.

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