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Use of mknod Prohibited in a Zone

Note that you cannot use the mknod command documented in the mknod(1M) man page to make a special file in a non-global zone.

Traversing File Systems

A zone's file system namespace is a subset of the namespace accessible from the global zone. Unprivileged processes in the global zone are prevented from traversing a non-global zone's file system hierarchy through the following means:

  • Specifying that the zone root's parent directory is owned, readable, writable, and executable by root only

  • Restricting access to directories exported by /proc

Note that attempting to access AutoFS nodes mounted for another zone will fail. The global administrator must not have auto maps that descend into other zones.

Restriction on Accessing A Non-Global Zone From the Global Zone

After a non-global zone is installed, the zone must never be accessed directly from the global zone by any commands other than system backup utilities. Moreover, a non-global zone can no longer be considered secure after it has been exposed to an unknown environment. An example would be a zone placed on a publicly accessible network, where it would be possible for the zone to be compromised and the contents of its file systems altered. If there is any possibility that compromise has occurred, the global administrator should treat the zone as untrusted.

Any command that accepts an alternative root by using the -R or -b options (or the equivalent) must not be used when the following are true:

  • The command is run in the global zone.

  • The alternative root refers to any path within a non-global zone, whether the path is relative to the current running system's global zone or the global zone in an alternative root.

An example is the -R root_path option to the pkgadd utility run from the global zone with a non-global zone root path.

The list of commands, programs, and utilities that use -R with an alternative root path include the following:

  • auditreduce

  • bart

  • flar

  • flarcreate

  • installf

  • localeadm

  • makeuuid

  • metaroot

  • patchadd

  • patchrm

  • pkgadd

  • pkgadm

  • pkgask

  • pkgchk

  • pkgrm

  • prodreg

  • removef

  • routeadm

  • showrev

  • syseventadm

The list of commands and programs that use -b with an alternative root path include the following:

  • add_drv

  • pprosetup

  • rem_drv

  • roleadd

  • sysidconfig

  • update_drv

  • useradd

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