Clause-Local Variables

You can also define D variables whose storage is reused for each D program clause. Clause-local variables are similar to automatic variables in a C, C++, or Java language program that are active during each invocation of a function. Like all D program variables, clause-local variables are created on their first assignment. These variables can be referenced and assigned by applying the -> operator to the special identifier this:

	this->secs = timestamp / 1000000000;

If you want to explicitly declare a clause-local variable before using it, you can do so using the this keyword:

this int x;   /* an integer clause-local variable */
this char c;  /* a character clause-local variable */

	this->x = 123;
	this->c = 'D';

Clause-local variables are only active for the lifetime of a given probe clause. After DTrace performs the actions associated with your clauses for a given probe, the storage for all clause-local variables is reclaimed and reused for the next clause. For this reason, clause-local variables are the only D variables that are not initially filled with zeroes. Note that if your program contains multiple clauses for a single probe, any clause-local variables will remain intact as the clauses are executed, as shown in the following example:

Example 3.2.  clause.d: Clause-local Variables

int me;			/* an integer global variable */
this int foo;		/* an integer clause-local variable */

	 * Set foo to be 10 if and only if this is the first clause executed.
	this->foo = (me % 3 == 0) ? 10 : this->foo;
	printf("Clause 1 is number %d; foo is %d\n", me++ % 3, this->foo++);

	 * Set foo to be 20 if and only if this is the first clause executed. 
	this->foo = (me % 3 == 0) ? 20 : this->foo;
	printf("Clause 2 is number %d; foo is %d\n", me++ % 3, this->foo++);

	 * Set foo to be 30 if and only if this is the first clause executed.
	this->foo = (me % 3 == 0) ? 30 : this->foo;
	printf("Clause 3 is number %d; foo is %d\n", me++ % 3, this->foo++);

Because the clauses are always executed in program order, and because clause-local variables are persistent across different clauses enabling the same probe, running the above program will always produce the same output:

# dtrace -q -s clause.d
Clause 1 is number 0; foo is 10
Clause 2 is number 1; foo is 11
Clause 3 is number 2; foo is 12
Clause 1 is number 0; foo is 10
Clause 2 is number 1; foo is 11
Clause 3 is number 2; foo is 12
Clause 1 is number 0; foo is 10
Clause 2 is number 1; foo is 11
Clause 3 is number 2; foo is 12
Clause 1 is number 0; foo is 10
Clause 2 is number 1; foo is 11
Clause 3 is number 2; foo is 12

While clause-local variables are persistent across clauses enabling the same probe, their values are undefined in the first clause executed for a given probe. Be sure to assign each clause-local variable an appropriate value before using it, or your program may have unexpected results.

Clause-local variables can be defined using any scalar variable type, but associative arrays may not be defined using clause-local scope. The scope of clause-local variables only applies to the corresponding variable data, not to the name and type identity defined for the variable. Once a clause-local variable is defined, this name and type signature may be used in any subsequent D program clause. You cannot rely on the storage location to be the same across different clauses.

You can use clause-local variables to accumulate intermediate results of calculations or as temporary copies of other variables. Access to a clause-local variable is much faster than access to an associative array. Therefore, if you need to reference an associative array value multiple times in the same D program clause, it is more efficient to copy it into a clause-local variable first and then reference the local variable repeatedly.