How the Solaris Trusted Extensions Books Are Organized

The Solaris Trusted Extensions 1.0 documentation set supplements the documentation for the Solaris Express release. You should obtain a copy of both sets for a complete understanding of Solaris Trusted Extensions. The Solaris Trusted Extensions documentation set consists of the following books:

Book Title



Solaris Trusted Extensions Transition Guide

Provides an overview of the differences between Trusted Solaris 8 software, Solaris Express software, and Solaris Trusted Extensions 1.0 software.


Solaris Trusted Extensions Reference Manual

Provides Solaris Trusted Extensions-specific man pages.


Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide

Describes the basic features of Solaris Trusted Extensions. This book contains a glossary.

End users, administrators, and developers

Solaris Trusted Extensions Release Notes

Lists known problems and describes workarounds for Solaris Trusted Extensions 1.0 software.

Administrators, developers

Solaris Trusted Extensions Installation and Configuration

Describes how to plan for, install, and configure Solaris Trusted Extensions.

Administrators, developers

Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures

Provides detailed information for performing specific administration tasks.

Administrators, developers

Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer’s Guide

Describes how to develop applications with Solaris Trusted Extensions.

Developers, administrators

Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration

Provides information on specifying label components in the label encodings file.


Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format

Describes the syntax used in the label encodings file. The syntax enforces the various rules for well-formed labels for a system.
