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ProcedureHow to Verify That DNS IPv6 PTR Records Are Updated Correctly

In this procedure, you use the nslookup command to display PTR records for DNS IPv6.

  1. Under your user account, run the nslookup command.

    % /usr/sbin/nslookup

    The default server name and address display, followed by the nslookup command's angle bracket prompt.

  2. Type the following at the angle bracket prompt to see the PTR records:

    >set q=PTR

  3. Quit the command by typing exit.

Example 7-17   Using nslookup to Display PTR Records

The following example shows the PTR record display from the nslookup command.

%  /usr/sbin/nslookup
Default Server:  space1999.Eng.apex.COM
> set q=PTR
> name = 
vallejo.ipv6.Eng.apex.COM nameserver = space1999.Eng.apex.COM
> exit

ProcedureHow to Display IPv6 Information Through NIS

In this procedure, you use the ypmatch command to display IPv6 information through NIS:

  • Under your user account, type the following to display IPv6 addresses in NIS:

    % ypmatch hostname hosts .byname

    The information about the specified hostname displays.

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