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Document change history
1. OpenStack command-line clients
Install the OpenStack command-line clients
Discover the version number for a client
Set environment variables using the OpenStack RC file
2. Block Storage command-line client
cinder usage
cinder optional arguments
cinder absolute-limits command
cinder availability-zone-list command
cinder backup-create command
cinder backup-delete command
cinder backup-list command
cinder backup-restore command
cinder backup-show command
cinder create command
cinder credentials command
cinder delete command
cinder encryption-type-create command
cinder encryption-type-delete command
cinder encryption-type-list command
cinder encryption-type-show command
cinder endpoints command
cinder extend command
cinder extra-specs-list command
cinder force-delete command
cinder list command
cinder list-extensions command
cinder metadata command
cinder metadata-show command
cinder metadata-update-all command
cinder migrate command
cinder qos-associate command
cinder qos-create command
cinder qos-delete command
cinder qos-disassociate command
cinder qos-disassociate-all command
cinder qos-get-association command
cinder qos-key command
cinder qos-list command
cinder qos-show command
cinder quota-class-show command
cinder quota-class-update command
cinder quota-defaults command
cinder quota-show command
cinder quota-update command
cinder quota-usage command
cinder rate-limits command
cinder readonly-mode-update command
cinder rename command
cinder reset-state command
cinder service-disable command
cinder service-enable command
cinder service-list command
cinder show command
cinder snapshot-create command
cinder snapshot-delete command
cinder snapshot-list command
cinder snapshot-metadata command
cinder snapshot-metadata-show command
cinder snapshot-metadata-update-all command
cinder snapshot-rename command
cinder snapshot-reset-state command
cinder snapshot-show command
cinder transfer-accept command
cinder transfer-create command
cinder transfer-delete command
cinder transfer-list command
cinder transfer-show command
cinder type-create command
cinder type-delete command
cinder type-key command
cinder type-list command
cinder upload-to-image command
3. Compute command-line client
nova usage
nova optional arguments
nova absolute-limits command
nova add-fixed-ip command
nova add-secgroup command
nova agent-create command
nova agent-delete command
nova agent-list command
nova agent-modify command
nova aggregate-add-host command
nova aggregate-create command
nova aggregate-delete command
nova aggregate-details command
nova aggregate-list command
nova aggregate-remove-host command
nova aggregate-set-metadata command
nova aggregate-update command
nova availability-zone-list command
nova backup command
nova baremetal-interface-add command
nova baremetal-interface-list command
nova baremetal-interface-remove command
nova baremetal-node-create command
nova baremetal-node-delete command
nova baremetal-node-list command
nova baremetal-node-show command
nova boot command
nova cell-capacities command
nova cell-show command
nova clear-password command
nova cloudpipe-configure command
nova cloudpipe-create command
nova cloudpipe-list command
nova console-log command
nova credentials command
nova delete command
nova diagnostics command
nova dns-create command
nova dns-create-private-domain command
nova dns-create-public-domain command
nova dns-delete command
nova dns-delete-domain command
nova dns-domains command
nova dns-list command
nova endpoints command
nova evacuate command
nova fixed-ip-get command
nova fixed-ip-reserve command
nova fixed-ip-unreserve command
nova flavor-access-add command
nova flavor-access-list command
nova flavor-access-remove command
nova flavor-create command
nova flavor-delete command
nova flavor-key command
nova flavor-list command
nova flavor-show command
nova floating-ip-associate command
nova floating-ip-bulk-create command
nova floating-ip-bulk-delete command
nova floating-ip-bulk-list command
nova floating-ip-create command
nova floating-ip-delete command
nova floating-ip-disassociate command
nova floating-ip-list command
nova floating-ip-pool-list command
nova force-delete command
nova get-password command
nova get-rdp-console command
nova get-spice-console command
nova get-vnc-console command
nova host-action command
nova host-describe command
nova host-evacuate command
nova host-list command
nova host-meta command
nova host-servers-migrate command
nova host-update command
nova hypervisor-list command
nova hypervisor-servers command
nova hypervisor-show command
nova hypervisor-stats command
nova hypervisor-uptime command
nova image-create command
nova image-delete command
nova image-list command
nova image-meta command
nova image-show command
nova instance-action command
nova instance-action-list command
nova interface-attach command
nova interface-detach command
nova interface-list command
nova keypair-add command
nova keypair-delete command
nova keypair-list command
nova keypair-show command
nova list command
nova list-extensions command
nova list-secgroup command
nova live-migration command
nova lock command
nova meta command
nova migrate command
nova migration-list command
nova net command
nova net-create command
nova net-delete command
nova net-list command
nova network-associate-host command
nova network-associate-project command
nova network-create command
nova network-disassociate command
nova network-list command
nova network-show command
nova pause command
nova quota-class-show command
nova quota-class-update command
nova quota-defaults command
nova quota-delete command
nova quota-show command
nova quota-update command
nova rate-limits command
nova reboot command
nova rebuild command
nova refresh-network command
nova remove-fixed-ip command
nova remove-secgroup command
nova rename command
nova rescue command
nova reset-network command
nova reset-state command
nova resize command
nova resize-confirm command
nova resize-revert command
nova restore command
nova resume command
nova root-password command
nova scrub command
nova secgroup-add-group-rule command
nova secgroup-add-rule command
nova secgroup-create command
nova secgroup-delete command
nova secgroup-delete-group-rule command
nova secgroup-delete-rule command
nova secgroup-list command
nova secgroup-list-rules command
nova secgroup-update command
nova service-disable command
nova service-enable command
nova service-list command
nova shelve command
nova shelve-offload command
nova show command
nova ssh command
nova start command
nova stop command
nova suspend command
nova unlock command
nova unpause command
nova unrescue command
nova unshelve command
nova usage command
nova usage-list command
nova volume-attach command
nova volume-create command
nova volume-delete command
nova volume-detach command
nova volume-list command
nova volume-show command
nova volume-snapshot-create command
nova volume-snapshot-delete command
nova volume-snapshot-list command
nova volume-snapshot-show command
nova volume-type-create command
nova volume-type-delete command
nova volume-type-list command
nova volume-update command
nova x509-create-cert command
nova x509-get-root-cert command
4. Identity service command-line client
keystone usage
keystone optional arguments
keystone bootstrap command
keystone catalog command
keystone discover command
keystone ec2-credentials-create command
keystone ec2-credentials-delete command
keystone ec2-credentials-get command
keystone ec2-credentials-list command
keystone endpoint-create command
keystone endpoint-delete command
keystone endpoint-get command
keystone endpoint-list command
keystone password-update command
keystone role-create command
keystone role-delete command
keystone role-get command
keystone role-list command
keystone service-create command
keystone service-delete command
keystone service-get command
keystone service-list command
keystone tenant-create command
keystone tenant-delete command
keystone tenant-get command
keystone tenant-list command
keystone tenant-update command
keystone token-get command
keystone user-create command
keystone user-delete command
keystone user-get command
keystone user-list command
keystone user-password-update command
keystone user-role-add command
keystone user-role-list command
keystone user-role-remove command
keystone user-update command
5. Image Service command-line client
glance usage
glance optional arguments
glance image-create command
glance image-delete command
glance image-list command
glance image-show command
glance image-update command
glance member-create command
glance member-delete command
glance member-list command
6. Image Service property keys
7. Networking command-line client
neutron usage
neutron optional arguments
neutron API v2.0 commands
neutron agent-delete command
neutron agent-list command
neutron agent-show command
neutron agent-update command
neutron cisco-credential-create command
neutron cisco-credential-delete command
neutron cisco-credential-list command
neutron cisco-credential-show command
neutron cisco-network-profile-create command
neutron cisco-network-profile-delete command
neutron cisco-network-profile-list command
neutron cisco-network-profile-show command
neutron cisco-network-profile-update command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-list command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-show command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-update command
neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net command
neutron dhcp-agent-network-add command
neutron dhcp-agent-network-remove command
neutron ext-list command
neutron ext-show command
neutron firewall-create command
neutron firewall-delete command
neutron firewall-list command
neutron firewall-policy-create command
neutron firewall-policy-delete command
neutron firewall-policy-insert-rule command
neutron firewall-policy-list command
neutron firewall-policy-remove-rule command
neutron firewall-policy-show command
neutron firewall-policy-update command
neutron firewall-rule-create command
neutron firewall-rule-delete command
neutron firewall-rule-list command
neutron firewall-rule-show command
neutron firewall-rule-update command
neutron firewall-show command
neutron firewall-update command
neutron floatingip-associate command
neutron floatingip-create command
neutron floatingip-delete command
neutron floatingip-disassociate command
neutron floatingip-list command
neutron floatingip-show command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-delete command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-list command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-show command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-update command
neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router command
neutron l3-agent-router-add command
neutron l3-agent-router-remove command
neutron lb-agent-hosting-pool command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-associate command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-create command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-delete command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-disassociate command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-list command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-show command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-update command
neutron lb-member-create command
neutron lb-member-delete command
neutron lb-member-list command
neutron lb-member-show command
neutron lb-member-update command
neutron lb-pool-create command
neutron lb-pool-delete command
neutron lb-pool-list command
neutron lb-pool-list-on-agent command
neutron lb-pool-show command
neutron lb-pool-stats command
neutron lb-pool-update command
neutron lb-vip-create command
neutron lb-vip-delete command
neutron lb-vip-list command
neutron lb-vip-show command
neutron lb-vip-update command
neutron meter-label-create command
neutron meter-label-delete command
neutron meter-label-list command
neutron meter-label-rule-create command
neutron meter-label-rule-delete command
neutron meter-label-rule-list command
neutron meter-label-rule-show command
neutron meter-label-show command
neutron net-create command
neutron net-delete command
neutron net-external-list command
neutron net-gateway-connect command
neutron net-gateway-create command
neutron net-gateway-delete command
neutron net-gateway-disconnect command
neutron net-gateway-list command
neutron net-gateway-show command
neutron net-gateway-update command
neutron net-list command
neutron net-list-on-dhcp-agent command
neutron net-show command
neutron net-update command
neutron port-create command
neutron port-delete command
neutron port-list command
neutron port-show command
neutron port-update command
neutron queue-create command
neutron queue-delete command
neutron queue-list command
neutron queue-show command
neutron quota-delete command
neutron quota-list command
neutron quota-show command
neutron quota-update command
neutron router-create command
neutron router-delete command
neutron router-gateway-clear command
neutron router-gateway-set command
neutron router-interface-add command
neutron router-interface-delete command
neutron router-list command
neutron router-list-on-l3-agent command
neutron router-port-list command
neutron router-show command
neutron router-update command
neutron security-group-create command
neutron security-group-delete command
neutron security-group-list command
neutron security-group-rule-create command
neutron security-group-rule-delete command
neutron security-group-rule-list command
neutron security-group-rule-show command
neutron security-group-show command
neutron security-group-update command
neutron service-provider-list command
neutron subnet-create command
neutron subnet-delete command
neutron subnet-list command
neutron subnet-show command
neutron subnet-update command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-delete command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-list command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-show command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-update command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-list command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-show command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-update command
neutron vpn-service-create command
neutron vpn-service-delete command
neutron vpn-service-list command
neutron vpn-service-show command
neutron vpn-service-update command
8. neutron-debug command-line client
neutron-debug usage
neutron-debug optional arguments
neutron-debug probe-create command
neutron-debug probe-list command
neutron-debug probe-clear command
neutron-debug probe-delete command
neutron-debug probe-exec command
neutron-debug ping-all command
neutron-debug example
9. Object Storage command-line client
swift usage
swift examples
swift optional arguments
swift delete command
swift download command
swift list command
swift post command
swift stat command
swift upload command
10. Orchestration command-line client
heat usage
heat optional arguments
heat action-resume command
heat action-suspend command
heat build-info command
heat event-list command
heat event-show command
heat output-list command
heat output-show command
heat resource-list command
heat resource-metadata command
heat resource-show command
heat resource-signal command
heat resource-template command
heat resource-type-list command
heat resource-type-show command
heat stack-abandon command
heat stack-adopt command
heat stack-create command
heat stack-delete command
heat stack-list command
heat stack-preview command
heat stack-show command
heat stack-update command
heat template-show command
heat template-validate command
11. Telemetry command-line client
ceilometer usage
ceilometer optional arguments
ceilometer alarm-combination-create command
ceilometer alarm-combination-update command
ceilometer alarm-delete command
ceilometer alarm-history command
ceilometer alarm-list command
ceilometer alarm-show command
ceilometer alarm-state-get command
ceilometer alarm-state-set command
ceilometer alarm-threshold-create command
ceilometer alarm-threshold-update command
ceilometer alarm-update command
ceilometer event-list command
ceilometer event-show command
ceilometer event-type-list command
ceilometer meter-list command
ceilometer query-alarm-history command
ceilometer query-alarms command
ceilometer query-samples command
ceilometer resource-list command
ceilometer resource-show command
ceilometer sample-create command
ceilometer sample-list command
ceilometer statistics command
ceilometer trait-description-list command
ceilometer trait-list command
12. Database Service command-line client
trove usage
trove optional arguments
trove backup-create command
trove backup-delete command
trove backup-list command
trove backup-list-instance command
trove backup-show command
trove create command
trove database-create command
trove database-delete command
trove database-list command
trove delete command
trove flavor-list command
trove flavor-show command
trove limit-list command
trove list command
trove resize-flavor command
trove resize-volume command
trove restart command
trove root-enable command
trove root-show command
trove secgroup-add-rule command
trove secgroup-delete-rule command
trove secgroup-list command
trove secgroup-show command
trove show command
trove user-create command
trove user-delete command
trove user-grant-access command
trove user-list command
trove user-revoke-access command
trove user-show command
trove user-show-access command
trove user-update-attributes command
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