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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: John Tran <[email protected]>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

"""SQLAlchemy storage backend."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
from sqlalchemy import func

from ceilometer.openstack.common import log
from ceilometer.openstack.common import timeutils
from import base
from import migration
from import Meter, Project, Resource
from import Source, User, Base
import as sqlalchemy_session

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SQLAlchemyStorage(base.StorageEngine): """Put the data into a SQLAlchemy database. Tables:: - user - { id: user uuid } - source - { id: source id } - project - { id: project uuid } - meter - the raw incoming data - { id: meter id counter_name: counter name user_id: user uuid (-> project_id: project uuid (-> resource_id: resource uuid (-> resource_metadata: metadata dictionaries counter_type: counter type counter_unit: counter unit counter_volume: counter volume timestamp: datetime message_signature: message signature message_id: message uuid } - resource - the metadata for resources - { id: resource uuid resource_metadata: metadata dictionaries project_id: project uuid (-> user_id: user uuid (-> } - sourceassoc - the relationships - { meter_id: meter id (-> project_id: project uuid (-> resource_id: resource uuid (-> user_id: user uuid (-> source_id: source id (-> } """ OPTIONS = []
[docs] def register_opts(self, conf): """Register any configuration options used by this engine.""" conf.register_opts(self.OPTIONS)
[docs] def get_connection(conf): """Return a Connection instance based on the configuration settings. """ return Connection(conf)
def make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter, require_meter=True): """Return a query dictionary based on the settings in the filter. :param filter: EventFilter instance :param require_meter: If true and the filter does not have a meter, raise an error. """ if event_filter.meter: query = query.filter(Meter.counter_name == event_filter.meter) elif require_meter: raise RuntimeError('Missing required meter specifier') if event_filter.source: query = query.filter(Meter.sources.any(id=event_filter.source)) if event_filter.start: ts_start = event_filter.start query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp >= ts_start) if event_filter.end: ts_end = event_filter.end query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp < ts_end) if event_filter.user: query = query.filter_by(user_id=event_filter.user) if event_filter.project: query = query.filter_by(project_id=event_filter.project) if event_filter.resource: query = query.filter_by(resource_id=event_filter.resource) if event_filter.metaquery: raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented') return query
[docs]class Connection(base.Connection): """SqlAlchemy connection.""" def __init__(self, conf):'connecting to %s', conf.database_connection) self.session = self._get_connection(conf) return
[docs] def upgrade(self, version=None): migration.db_sync(self.session.get_bind(), version=version)
[docs] def clear(self): engine = self.session.get_bind() for table in reversed(Base.metadata.sorted_tables): engine.execute(table.delete())
def _get_connection(self, conf): """Return a connection to the database.""" return sqlalchemy_session.get_session()
[docs] def record_metering_data(self, data): """Write the data to the backend storage system. :param data: a dictionary such as returned by ceilometer.meter.meter_message_from_counter """ if data['source']: source = self.session.query(Source).get(data['source']) if not source: source = Source(id=data['source']) self.session.add(source) else: source = None # create/update user && project, add/update their sources list if data['user_id']: user = self.session.merge(User(id=str(data['user_id']))) if not filter(lambda x: ==, user.sources): user.sources.append(source) else: user = None if data['project_id']: project = self.session.merge(Project(id=str(data['project_id']))) if not filter(lambda x: ==, project.sources): project.sources.append(source) else: project = None # Record the updated resource metadata rmetadata = data['resource_metadata'] resource = self.session.merge(Resource(id=str(data['resource_id']))) if not filter(lambda x: ==, resource.sources): resource.sources.append(source) resource.project = project resource.user = user # Current metadata being used and when it was last updated. resource.resource_metadata = rmetadata # autoflush didn't catch this one, requires manual flush self.session.flush() # Record the raw data for the event. meter = Meter(counter_type=data['counter_type'], counter_unit=data['counter_unit'], counter_name=data['counter_name'], resource=resource) self.session.add(meter) if not filter(lambda x: ==, meter.sources): meter.sources.append(source) meter.project = project meter.user = user meter.timestamp = data['timestamp'] meter.resource_metadata = rmetadata meter.counter_volume = data['counter_volume'] meter.message_signature = data['message_signature'] meter.message_id = data['message_id'] return
[docs] def get_users(self, source=None): """Return an iterable of user id strings. :param source: Optional source filter. """ query = model_query(, session=self.session) if source is not None: query = query.filter(User.sources.any(id=source)) return (x[0] for x in query.all())
[docs] def get_projects(self, source=None): """Return an iterable of project id strings. :param source: Optional source filter. """ query = model_query(, session=self.session) if source: query = query.filter(Project.sources.any(id=source)) return (x[0] for x in query.all())
[docs] def get_resources(self, user=None, project=None, source=None, start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None, metaquery={}, resource=None): """Return an iterable of dictionaries containing resource information. { 'resource_id': UUID of the resource, 'project_id': UUID of project owning the resource, 'user_id': UUID of user owning the resource, 'timestamp': UTC datetime of last update to the resource, 'metadata': most current metadata for the resource, 'meter': list of the meters reporting data for the resource, } :param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource. :param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource. :param source: Optional source filter. :param start_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp start range. :param end_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp end range. :param metaquery: Optional dict with metadata to match on. :param resource: Optional resource filter. """ query = model_query(Meter, session=self.session).group_by(Meter.resource_id) if user is not None: query = query.filter(Meter.user_id == user) if source is not None: query = query.filter(Meter.sources.any(id=source)) if start_timestamp: query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp >= start_timestamp) if end_timestamp: query = query.filter(Meter.timestamp < end_timestamp) if project is not None: query = query.filter(Meter.project_id == project) if resource is not None: query = query.filter(Meter.resource_id == resource) if metaquery: raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented') for meter in query.all(): r = row2dict(meter.resource) r['resource_id'] = r['id'] del r['id'] # Replace the 'resource_metadata' with 'metadata' r['metadata'] = r['resource_metadata'] del r['resource_metadata'] r['meter'] = [ { 'counter_name': meter.counter_name, 'counter_type': meter.counter_type, 'counter_unit': meter.counter_unit, } for meter in meter.resource.meters ] yield r
[docs] def get_meters(self, user=None, project=None, resource=None, source=None, metaquery={}): """Return an iterable of dictionaries containing meter information. { 'name': name of the meter, 'type': type of the meter (guage, counter), 'unit': unit of the meter, 'resource_id': UUID of the resource, 'project_id': UUID of project owning the resource, 'user_id': UUID of user owning the resource, } :param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource. :param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource. :param resource: Optional ID of the resource. :param source: Optional source filter. :param metaquery: Optional dict with metadata to match on. """ query = model_query(Resource, session=self.session) if user is not None: query = query.filter(Resource.user_id == user) if source is not None: query = query.filter(Resource.sources.any(id=source)) if resource: query = query.filter( == resource) if project is not None: query = query.filter(Resource.project_id == project) query = query.options( sqlalchemy_session.sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload('meters')) if metaquery: raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented') for resource in query.all(): meter_names = set() for meter in resource.meters: if meter.counter_name in meter_names: continue meter_names.add(meter.counter_name) m = {} m['resource_id'] = m['project_id'] = resource.project_id m['user_id'] = resource.user_id m['name'] = meter.counter_name m['type'] = meter.counter_type m['unit'] = meter.counter_unit yield m
[docs] def get_samples(self, event_filter): """Return an iterable of samples as created by :func:`ceilometer.meter.meter_message_from_counter`. """ query = model_query(Meter, session=self.session) query = make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter, require_meter=False) samples = query.all() for s in samples: # Remove the id generated by the database when # the event was inserted. It is an implementation # detail that should not leak outside of the driver. s = row2dict(s) del s['id'] # Replace 'sources' with 'source' to meet the caller's # expectation, Meter.sources contains one and only one # source in the current implementation. s['source'] = s['sources'][0]['id'] del s['sources'] yield s
def _make_volume_query(self, event_filter, counter_volume_func): """Returns complex Meter counter_volume query for max and sum.""" subq = model_query(, session=self.session) subq = make_query_from_filter(subq, event_filter, require_meter=False) subq = subq.subquery() mainq = self.session.query(, counter_volume_func) mainq = mainq.join(Meter).group_by( return mainq.filter(
[docs] def get_volume_sum(self, event_filter): counter_volume_func = func.sum(Meter.counter_volume) query = self._make_volume_query(event_filter, counter_volume_func) results = query.all() return ({'resource_id': x, 'value': y} for x, y in results)
[docs] def get_volume_max(self, event_filter): counter_volume_func = func.max(Meter.counter_volume) query = self._make_volume_query(event_filter, counter_volume_func) results = query.all() return ({'resource_id': x, 'value': y} for x, y in results)
[docs] def get_event_interval(self, event_filter): """Return the min and max timestamps from samples, using the event_filter to limit the samples seen. ( datetime.datetime(), datetime.datetime() ) """ query = self.session.query(func.min(Meter.timestamp), func.max(Meter.timestamp)) query = make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter) results = query.all() a_min, a_max = results[0] return (a_min, a_max)
def _make_stats_query(self, event_filter): query = self.session.query( func.min(Meter.timestamp).label('tsmin'), func.max(Meter.timestamp).label('tsmax'), func.avg(Meter.counter_volume).label('avg'), func.sum(Meter.counter_volume).label('sum'), func.min(Meter.counter_volume).label('min'), func.max(Meter.counter_volume).label('max'), func.count(Meter.counter_volume).label('count')) return make_query_from_filter(query, event_filter) @staticmethod def _stats_result_to_dict(result, period, period_start, period_end): return {'count': int(result.count), 'min': result.min, 'max': result.max, 'avg': result.avg, 'sum': result.sum, 'duration_start': result.tsmin, 'duration_end': result.tsmax, 'duration': timeutils.delta_seconds(result.tsmin, result.tsmax), 'period': period, 'period_start': period_start, 'period_end': period_end}
[docs] def get_meter_statistics(self, event_filter, period=None): """Return a dictionary containing meter statistics. described by the query parameters. The filter must have a meter value set. { 'min': 'max': 'avg': 'sum': 'count': 'period': 'period_start': 'period_end': 'duration': 'duration_start': 'duration_end': } """ if not period or not event_filter.start or not event_filter.end: res = self._make_stats_query(event_filter).all()[0] if not period: return [self._stats_result_to_dict(res, 0, res.tsmin, res.tsmax)] query = self._make_stats_query(event_filter) # HACK(jd) This is an awful method to compute stats by period, but # since we're trying to be SQL agnostic we have to write portable # code, so here it is, admire! We're going to do one request to get # stats by period. We would like to use GROUP BY, but there's no # portable way to manipulate timestamp in SQL, so we can't. results = [] for period_start, period_end in base.iter_period( event_filter.start or res.tsmin, event_filter.end or res.tsmax, period): q = query.filter(Meter.timestamp >= period_start) q = q.filter(Meter.timestamp < period_end) r = q.all()[0] # Don't add results that didn't have any event if r.count: results.append(self._stats_result_to_dict( result=r, period=int(timeutils.delta_seconds(period_start, period_end)), period_start=period_start, period_end=period_end, )) return results
def model_query(*args, **kwargs): """Query helper. :param session: if present, the session to use """ session = kwargs.get('session') or sqlalchemy_session.get_session() query = session.query(*args) return query def row2dict(row, srcflag=False): """Convert User, Project, Meter, Resource instance to dictionary object with nested Source(s) and Meter(s) """ d = copy.copy(row.__dict__) for col in ['_sa_instance_state', 'sources']: if col in d: del d[col] if not srcflag: d['sources'] = map(lambda x: row2dict(x, True), row.sources) if d.get('meters') is not None: d['meters'] = map(lambda x: row2dict(x, True), d['meters']) return d