Source code for heat.engine.parameter_groups

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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from heat.common.exception import StackValidationFailed
from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PARAMETER_GROUPS = 'parameter_groups'
PARAMETERS = 'parameters'

[docs]class ParameterGroups(object): ''' The ParameterGroups specified by the stack's template. ''' def __init__(self, tmpl): self.tmpl = tmpl self.parameters = tmpl.parameters(None, {}, validate_value=False) logger.debug(self.tmpl) logger.debug(self.parameters) self.parameter_names = [] if self.parameters: self.parameter_names = [param for param in self.parameters] self.parameter_groups = tmpl.get(PARAMETER_GROUPS)
[docs] def validate(self): ''' Validate that a parameter belongs to only one Parameter Group and that each parameter name references a valid parameter. ''' logger.debug(_('Validating Parameter Groups.')) logger.debug(self.parameter_names) if self.parameter_groups is not None: #Loop through groups and validate parameters grouped_parameters = [] for group in self.parameter_groups: parameters = group.get(PARAMETERS) if parameters is None: raise StackValidationFailed(message=_( 'Parameters must be provided for ' 'each Parameter Group.')) for param in parameters: #Check if param has been added to a previous group if param in grouped_parameters: raise StackValidationFailed(message=_( 'The %s parameter must be assigned to one ' 'Parameter Group only.') % param) else: grouped_parameters.append(param) #Check that grouped parameter references a valid Parameter if param not in self.parameter_names: raise StackValidationFailed(message=_( 'The Parameter name (%s) does not reference ' 'an existing parameter.') % param)