Source code for heat.engine.resources.quantum.floatingip

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#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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from heat.engine import clients
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
from heat.engine.resources.quantum import quantum

if clients.quantumclient is not None:
    from quantumclient.common.exceptions import QuantumClientException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FloatingIP(quantum.QuantumResource): properties_schema = {'floating_network_id': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'value_specs': {'Type': 'Map', 'Default': {}}, 'port_id': {'Type': 'String'}, 'fixed_ip_address': {'Type': 'String'}}
[docs] def handle_create(self): props = self.prepare_properties(, self.physical_resource_name()) fip = self.quantum().create_floatingip({ 'floatingip': props})['floatingip'] self.resource_id_set(fip['id'])
[docs] def handle_delete(self): client = self.quantum() try: client.delete_floatingip(self.resource_id) except QuantumClientException as ex: if ex.status_code != 404: raise ex
[docs] def FnGetAtt(self, key): attributes = self.quantum().show_floatingip( self.resource_id)['floatingip'] return self.handle_get_attributes(, key, attributes)
[docs]class FloatingIPAssociation(quantum.QuantumResource): properties_schema = {'floatingip_id': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'port_id': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'fixed_ip_address': {'Type': 'String'}} def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): super(FloatingIPAssociation, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack)
[docs] def handle_create(self): props = self.prepare_properties(, floatingip_id = props.pop('floatingip_id') self.quantum().update_floatingip(floatingip_id, { 'floatingip': props})['floatingip'] self.resource_id_set('%s:%s' % (floatingip_id, props['port_id']))
[docs] def handle_delete(self): client = self.quantum() (floatingip_id, port_id) = self.resource_id.split(':') try: client.update_floatingip( floatingip_id, {'floatingip': {'port_id': None}}) except QuantumClientException as ex: if ex.status_code != 404: raise ex
[docs]def resource_mapping(): if clients.quantumclient is None: return {} return { 'OS::Quantum::FloatingIP': FloatingIP, 'OS::Quantum::FloatingIPAssociation': FloatingIPAssociation, }