Source code for horizon.tables.actions

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import new

from django.conf import settings
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django import shortcuts
from django.template.loader import render_to_string  # noqa
from django.utils.functional import Promise  # noqa
from django.utils.http import urlencode  # noqa
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import messages
from horizon.utils import functions
from horizon.utils import html

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# For Bootstrap integration; can be overridden in settings.
ACTION_CSS_CLASSES = ("btn", "btn-small")

[docs]class BaseActionMetaClass(type): """Metaclass for adding all actions options from inheritance tree to action. This way actions can inherit from each other but still use the class attributes DSL. Meaning, all attributes of Actions are defined as class attributes, but in the background, it will be used as parameters for the initializer of the object. The object is then initialized clean way. Similar principle is used in DataTableMetaclass. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): # Options of action are set ass class attributes, loading them. options = {} if attrs: options = attrs # Iterate in reverse to preserve final order for base in bases[::-1]: # It actually throws all super classes away except immediate # superclass. But it's fine, immediate super-class base_options # includes everything because superclasses was created also by # this metaclass. Same principle is used in DataTableMetaclass. if hasattr(base, 'base_options') and base.base_options: base_options = {} # Updating options by superclasses. base_options.update(base.base_options) # Updating superclass options by actual class options. base_options.update(options) options = base_options # Saving all options to class attribute, this will be used for # instantiating of the specific Action. attrs['base_options'] = options return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): cls.base_options.update(kwargs) # Adding cls.base_options to each init call. klass = super(BaseActionMetaClass, cls).__call__( *args, **cls.base_options) return klass
[docs]class BaseAction(html.HTMLElement): """Common base class for all ``Action`` classes.""" __metaclass__ = BaseActionMetaClass def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BaseAction, self).__init__() self.datum = kwargs.get('datum', None) self.table = kwargs.get('table', None) self.handles_multiple = kwargs.get('handles_multiple', False) self.requires_input = kwargs.get('requires_input', False) self.preempt = kwargs.get('preempt', False) self.policy_rules = kwargs.get('policy_rules', None)
[docs] def data_type_matched(self, datum): """Method to see if the action is allowed for a certain type of data. Only affects mixed data type tables. """ if datum: action_data_types = getattr(self, "allowed_data_types", []) # If the data types of this action is empty, we assume it accepts # all kinds of data and this method will return True. if action_data_types: datum_type = getattr(datum, self.table._meta.data_type_name, None) if datum_type and (datum_type not in action_data_types): return False return True
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum): """Provide the target for a policy request. This method is meant to be overridden to return target details when one of the policy checks requires them. E.g., {"user_id":} """ return {}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, datum): """Determine whether this action is allowed for the current request. This method is meant to be overridden with more specific checks. """ return True
def _allowed(self, request, datum): policy_check = getattr(settings, "POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION", None) if policy_check and self.policy_rules: target = self.get_policy_target(request, datum) return (policy_check(self.policy_rules, request, target) and self.allowed(request, datum)) return self.allowed(request, datum)
[docs] def update(self, request, datum): """Allows per-action customization based on current conditions. This is particularly useful when you wish to create a "toggle" action that will be rendered differently based on the value of an attribute on the current row's data. By default this method is a no-op. """ pass
[docs] def get_default_classes(self): """Returns a list of the default classes for the action. Defaults to ``["btn", "btn-small"]``. """ return getattr(settings, "ACTION_CSS_CLASSES", ACTION_CSS_CLASSES)
[docs] def get_default_attrs(self): """Returns a list of the default HTML attributes for the action. Defaults to returning an ``id`` attribute with the value ``{{ }}__action_{{ }}__{{ creation counter }}``. """ if self.datum is not None: bits = (, "row_%s" % self.table.get_object_id(self.datum), "action_%s" % else: bits = (, "action_%s" % return {"id": STRING_SEPARATOR.join(bits)}
def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
[docs] def associate_with_table(self, table): self.table = table
[docs]class Action(BaseAction): """Represents an action which can be taken on this table's data. .. attribute:: name Required. The short name or "slug" representing this action. This name should not be changed at runtime. .. attribute:: verbose_name A descriptive name used for display purposes. Defaults to the value of ``name`` with the first letter of each word capitalized. .. attribute:: verbose_name_plural Used like ``verbose_name`` in cases where ``handles_multiple`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``verbose_name`` with the letter "s" appended. .. attribute:: method The HTTP method for this action. Defaults to ``POST``. Other methods may or may not succeed currently. .. attribute:: requires_input Boolean value indicating whether or not this action can be taken without any additional input (e.g. an object id). Defaults to ``True``. .. attribute:: preempt Boolean value indicating whether this action should be evaluated in the period after the table is instantiated but before the data has been loaded. This can allow actions which don't need access to the full table data to bypass any API calls and processing which would otherwise be required to load the table. .. attribute:: allowed_data_types A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the datum's type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row for the datum. Default to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action will accept any kind of data. .. attribute:: policy_rules list of scope and rule tuples to do policy checks on, the composition of which is (scope, rule) scope: service type managing the policy for action rule: string representing the action to be checked for a policy that requires a single rule check: policy_rules should look like "(("compute", "compute:create_instance"),)" for a policy that requires multiple rule checks: rules should look like "(("identity", "identity:list_users"), ("identity", "identity:list_roles"))" At least one of the following methods must be defined: .. method:: single(self, data_table, request, object_id) Handler for a single-object action. .. method:: multiple(self, data_table, request, object_ids) Handler for multi-object actions. .. method:: handle(self, data_table, request, object_ids) If a single function can work for both single-object and multi-object cases then simply providing a ``handle`` function will internally route both ``single`` and ``multiple`` requests to ``handle`` with the calls from ``single`` being transformed into a list containing only the single object id. """ def __init__(self, single_func=None, multiple_func=None, handle_func=None, attrs=None, **kwargs): super(Action, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.method = kwargs.get('method', "POST") self.requires_input = kwargs.get('requires_input', True) self.verbose_name = kwargs.get('verbose_name', self.verbose_name_plural = kwargs.get('verbose_name_plural', "%ss" % self.verbose_name) self.allowed_data_types = kwargs.get('allowed_data_types', []) if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs) # Don't set these if they're None if single_func: self.single = single_func if multiple_func: self.multiple = multiple_func if handle_func: self.handle = handle_func # Ensure we have the appropriate methods has_handler = hasattr(self, 'handle') and callable(self.handle) has_single = hasattr(self, 'single') and callable(self.single) has_multiple = hasattr(self, 'multiple') and callable(self.multiple) if has_handler or has_multiple: self.handles_multiple = True if not has_handler and (not has_single or has_multiple): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ raise NotImplementedError('You must define either a "handle" ' 'method or a "single" or "multiple" ' 'method on %s.' % cls_name) if not has_single: def single(self, data_table, request, object_id): return self.handle(data_table, request, [object_id]) self.single = new.instancemethod(single, self) if not has_multiple and self.handles_multiple: def multiple(self, data_table, request, object_ids): return self.handle(data_table, request, object_ids) self.multiple = new.instancemethod(multiple, self)
[docs] def get_param_name(self): """Returns the full POST parameter name for this action. Defaults to ``{{ }}__{{ }}``. """ return "__".join([,])
[docs]class LinkAction(BaseAction): """A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST. .. attribute:: name Required. The short name or "slug" representing this action. This name should not be changed at runtime. .. attribute:: verbose_name A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required) .. attribute:: url A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link target. You must either define the ``url`` attribute or override the ``get_link_url`` method on the class. .. attribute:: allowed_data_types A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the datum's type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row for the datum. Defaults to be an empty list (``[]``). When set to empty, the action will accept any kind of data. """ # class attribute name is used for ordering of Actions in table name = "link" ajax = False def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs): super(LinkAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.method = kwargs.get('method', "GET") self.bound_url = kwargs.get('bound_url', None) = kwargs.get('name', self.verbose_name = kwargs.get('verbose_name', self.url = kwargs.get('url', None) self.allowed_data_types = kwargs.get('allowed_data_types', []) if not kwargs.get('verbose_name', None): raise NotImplementedError('A LinkAction object must have a ' 'verbose_name attribute.') if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs) if self.ajax: self.classes = list(self.classes) + ['ajax-update']
[docs] def get_ajax_update_url(self): table_url = self.table.get_absolute_url() params = urlencode({"table":, "action":}) return "%s?%s" % (table_url, params)
[docs] def render(self): return render_to_string("horizon/common/_data_table_table_action.html", {"action": self})
[docs] def associate_with_table(self, table): super(LinkAction, self).associate_with_table(table) if self.ajax: self.attrs['data-update-url'] = self.get_ajax_update_url()
[docs]class FilterAction(BaseAction): """A base class representing a filter action for a table. .. attribute:: name The short name or "slug" representing this action. Defaults to ``"filter"``. .. attribute:: verbose_name A descriptive name used for display purposes. Defaults to the value of ``name`` with the first letter of each word capitalized. .. attribute:: param_name A string representing the name of the request parameter used for the search term. Default: ``"q"``. .. attribute: filter_type A string representing the type of this filter. Default: ``"query"``. .. attribute: needs_preloading If True, the filter function will be called for the initial GET request with an empty ``filter_string``, regardless of the value of ``method``. """ # TODO(gabriel): The method for a filter action should be a GET, # but given the form structure of the table that's currently impossible. # At some future date this needs to be reworked to get the filter action # separated from the table's POST form. # class attribute name is used for ordering of Actions in table name = "filter" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(FilterAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.method = kwargs.get('method', "POST") = kwargs.get('name', self.verbose_name = kwargs.get('verbose_name', _("Filter")) self.filter_type = kwargs.get('filter_type', "query") self.needs_preloading = kwargs.get('needs_preloading', False) self.param_name = kwargs.get('param_name', 'q')
[docs] def get_param_name(self): """Returns the full query parameter name for this action. Defaults to ``{{ }}__{{ }}__{{ action.param_name }}``. """ return "__".join([,, self.param_name])
[docs] def get_default_classes(self): classes = super(FilterAction, self).get_default_classes() classes += ("btn-search",) return classes
[docs] def assign_type_string(self, table, data, type_string): for datum in data: setattr(datum, table._meta.data_type_name, type_string)
[docs] def data_type_filter(self, table, data, filter_string): filtered_data = [] for data_type in table._meta.data_types: func_name = "filter_%s_data" % data_type filter_func = getattr(self, func_name, None) if not filter_func and not callable(filter_func): # The check of filter function implementation should happen # in the __init__. However, the current workflow of DataTable # and actions won't allow it. Need to be fixed in the future. cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ raise NotImplementedError("You must define a %s method " "for %s data type in %s." % (func_name, data_type, cls_name)) _data = filter_func(table, data, filter_string) self.assign_type_string(table, _data, data_type) filtered_data.extend(_data) return filtered_data
[docs] def filter(self, table, data, filter_string): """Provides the actual filtering logic. This method must be overridden by subclasses and return the filtered data. """ raise NotImplementedError("The filter method has not been " "implemented by %s." % self.__class__)
[docs]class FixedFilterAction(FilterAction): """A filter action with fixed buttons.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(FixedFilterAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.filter_type = kwargs.get('filter_type', "fixed") self.needs_preloading = kwargs.get('needs_preloading', True) self.fixed_buttons = self.get_fixed_buttons() self.filter_string = ''
[docs] def filter(self, table, images, filter_string): self.filter_string = filter_string categories = self.categorize(table, images) self.categories = defaultdict(list, categories) for button in self.fixed_buttons: button['count'] = len(self.categories[button['value']]) if not filter_string: return images return self.categories[filter_string]
[docs] def get_fixed_buttons(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries describing the fixed buttons to use for filtering. Each list item should be a dict with the following keys: * ``text``: Text to display on the button * ``icon``: Icon class for icon element (inserted before text). * ``value``: Value returned when the button is clicked. This value is passed to ``filter()`` as ``filter_string``. """ raise NotImplementedError("The get_fixed_buttons method has " "not been implemented by %s." % self.__class__)
[docs] def categorize(self, table, images): """Override to separate images into categories. Return a dict with a key for the value of each fixed button, and a value that is a list of images in that category. """ raise NotImplementedError("The categorize method has not been " "implemented by %s." % self.__class__)
[docs]class BatchAction(Action): """A table action which takes batch action on one or more objects. This action should not require user input on a per-object basis. .. attribute:: name An internal name for this action. .. attribute:: action_present String or tuple/list. The display forms of the name. Should be a transitive verb, capitalized and translated. ("Delete", "Rotate", etc.) If tuple or list - then setting self.current_present_action = n will set the current active item from the list(action_present[n]) You can pass a complete action name including 'data_type' by specifying '%(data_type)s' substitution in action_present ("Delete %(data_type)s"). Otherwise a complete action name is a format of "<action> <data_type>". <data_type> is determined based on the number of items. By passing a complete action name you allow translators to control the order of words as they want. .. attribute:: action_past String or tuple/list. The past tense of action_present. ("Deleted", "Rotated", etc.) If tuple or list - then setting self.current_past_action = n will set the current active item from the list(action_past[n]) .. attribute:: data_type_singular A display name for the type of data that receives the action. ("Key Pair", "Floating IP", etc.) .. attribute:: data_type_plural Optional plural word for the type of data being acted on. Defaults to appending 's'. Relying on the default is bad for translations and should not be done. .. attribute:: success_url Optional location to redirect after completion of the delete action. Defaults to the current page. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BatchAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.success_url = kwargs.get('success_url', None) self.data_type_singular = kwargs.get('data_type_singular', None) self.data_type_plural = kwargs.get('data_type_plural', self.data_type_singular + 's') # If setting a default name, don't initialize it too early self.verbose_name = kwargs.get('verbose_name', self._get_action_name) self.verbose_name_plural = kwargs.get('verbose_name_plural', lambda: self._get_action_name('plural')) if not kwargs.get('data_type_singular', None): raise NotImplementedError('A batchAction object must have a ' 'data_type_singular attribute.') self.current_present_action = 0 self.current_past_action = 0 # Keep record of successfully handled objects self.success_ids = [] def _allowed(self, request, datum=None): # Override the default internal action method to prevent batch # actions from appearing on tables with no data. if not and not datum: return False return super(BatchAction, self)._allowed(request, datum) def _get_action_name(self, items=None, past=False): """Builds combinations like 'Delete Object' and 'Deleted Objects' based on the number of items and `past` flag. """ action_type = "past" if past else "present" action_attr = getattr(self, "action_%s" % action_type) if isinstance(action_attr, (basestring, Promise)): action = action_attr else: toggle_selection = getattr(self, "current_%s_action" % action_type) action = action_attr[toggle_selection] if items is None or len(items) == 1: data_type = self.data_type_singular else: data_type = self.data_type_plural if '%(data_type)s' in action: # If full action string is specified, use action as format string. msgstr = action else: if action_type == "past": msgstr = pgettext_lazy("past", "%(action)s %(data_type)s") else: msgstr = pgettext_lazy("present", "%(action)s %(data_type)s") return msgstr % {'action': action, 'data_type': data_type}
[docs] def action(self, request, datum_id): """Required. Accepts a single object id and performs the specific action. Return values are discarded, errors raised are caught and logged. """ raise NotImplementedError('action() must be defined for %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def update(self, request, datum): """Switches the action verbose name, if needed.""" if getattr(self, 'action_present', False): self.verbose_name = self._get_action_name() self.verbose_name_plural = self._get_action_name('plural')
[docs] def get_success_url(self, request=None): """Returns the URL to redirect to after a successful action.""" if self.success_url: return self.success_url return request.get_full_path()
[docs] def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids): action_success = [] action_failure = [] action_not_allowed = [] for datum_id in obj_ids: datum = table.get_object_by_id(datum_id) datum_display = table.get_object_display(datum) or _("N/A") if not table._filter_action(self, request, datum): action_not_allowed.append(datum_display)'Permission denied to %s: "%s"' % (self._get_action_name(past=True).lower(), datum_display)) continue try: self.action(request, datum_id) #Call update to invoke changes if needed self.update(request, datum) action_success.append(datum_display) self.success_ids.append(datum_id)'%s: "%s"' % (self._get_action_name(past=True), datum_display)) except Exception as ex: # Handle the exception but silence it since we'll display # an aggregate error message later. Otherwise we'd get # multiple error messages displayed to the user. if getattr(ex, "_safe_message", None): ignore = False else: ignore = True action_failure.append(datum_display) exceptions.handle(request, ignore=ignore) # Begin with success message class, downgrade to info if problems. success_message_level = messages.success if action_not_allowed: msg = _('You are not allowed to %(action)s: %(objs)s') params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_not_allowed).lower(), "objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_not_allowed)} messages.error(request, msg % params) success_message_level = if action_failure: msg = _('Unable to %(action)s: %(objs)s') params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_failure).lower(), "objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_failure)} messages.error(request, msg % params) success_message_level = if action_success: msg = _('%(action)s: %(objs)s') params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_success, past=True), "objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_success)} success_message_level(request, msg % params) return shortcuts.redirect(self.get_success_url(request))
[docs]class DeleteAction(BatchAction): """Doc missing.""" name = "delete" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DeleteAction, self).__init__(**kwargs) = kwargs.get('name', self.action_present = kwargs.get('action_present', _("Delete")) self.action_past = kwargs.get('action_past', _("Deleted"))
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): return self.delete(request, obj_id)
[docs] def delete(self, request, obj_id): raise NotImplementedError("DeleteAction must define a delete method.")
[docs] def get_default_classes(self): classes = super(DeleteAction, self).get_default_classes() classes += ("btn-danger", "btn-delete") return classes
[docs]class UpdateAction(object): """A table action for cell updates by inline editing.""" name = "update" action_present = _("Update") action_past = _("Updated") data_type_singular = "update"
[docs] def action(self, request, datum, obj_id, cell_name, new_cell_value): self.update_cell(request, datum, obj_id, cell_name, new_cell_value)
[docs] def update_cell(self, request, datum, obj_id, cell_name, new_cell_value): """Method for saving data of the cell. This method must implements saving logic of the inline edited table cell. """ raise NotImplementedError( "UpdateAction must define a update_cell method.")
[docs] def allowed(self, request, datum, cell): """Determine whether updating is allowed for the current request. This method is meant to be overridden with more specific checks. Data of the row and of the cell are passed to the method. """ return True