Source code for openstack_dashboard.context_processors

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# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
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Context processors used by Horizon.

from django.conf import settings

[docs]def openstack(request): """Context processor necessary for OpenStack Dashboard functionality. The following variables are added to the request context: ``authorized_tenants`` A list of tenant objects which the current user has access to. ``regions`` A dictionary containing information about region support, the current region, and available regions. """ context = {} # Auth/Keystone context context.setdefault('authorized_tenants', []) if request.user.is_authenticated(): context['authorized_tenants'] = request.user.authorized_tenants # Region context/support available_regions = getattr(settings, 'AVAILABLE_REGIONS', []) regions = {'support': len(available_regions) > 1, 'current': {'endpoint': request.session.get('region_endpoint'), 'name': request.session.get('region_name')}, 'available': [{'endpoint': region[0], 'name':region[1]} for region in available_regions]} context['regions'] = regions return context