Source code for openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.aggregates.workflows

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms
from horizon import workflows

from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.aggregates import constants

[docs]class SetAggregateInfoAction(workflows.Action): name = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), max_length=255) availability_zone = forms.CharField(label=_("Availability Zone"), max_length=255, required=False) class Meta: name = _("Host Aggregate Info") help_text = _("From here you can create a new " "host aggregate to organize instances.") slug = "set_aggregate_info"
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(SetAggregateInfoAction, self).clean() name = cleaned_data.get('name') try: aggregates = api.nova.aggregate_details_list(self.request) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to get host aggregate list') exceptions.check_message(["Connection", "refused"], msg) raise if aggregates is not None: for aggregate in aggregates: if == name.lower(): raise forms.ValidationError( _('The name "%s" is already used by ' 'another host aggregate.') % name ) return cleaned_data
[docs]class SetAggregateInfoStep(workflows.Step): action_class = SetAggregateInfoAction contributes = ("availability_zone", "name")
[docs]class AddHostsToAggregateAction(workflows.MembershipAction): def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(AddHostsToAggregateAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) err_msg = _('Unable to get the available hosts') default_role_field_name = self.get_default_role_field_name() self.fields[default_role_field_name] = forms.CharField(required=False) self.fields[default_role_field_name].initial = 'member' field_name = self.get_member_field_name('member') self.fields[field_name] = forms.MultipleChoiceField(required=False) hosts = [] try: hosts = api.nova.host_list(request) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, err_msg) host_names = [] for host in hosts: if host.host_name not in host_names and host.service == u'compute': host_names.append(host.host_name) host_names.sort() self.fields[field_name].choices = \ [(host_name, host_name) for host_name in host_names] class Meta: name = _("Manage Hosts within Aggregate") slug = "add_host_to_aggregate"
[docs]class ManageAggregateHostsAction(workflows.MembershipAction): def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(ManageAggregateHostsAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) err_msg = _('Unable to get the available hosts') default_role_field_name = self.get_default_role_field_name() self.fields[default_role_field_name] = forms.CharField(required=False) self.fields[default_role_field_name].initial = 'member' field_name = self.get_member_field_name('member') self.fields[field_name] = forms.MultipleChoiceField(required=False) aggregate_id = self.initial['id'] aggregate = api.nova.aggregate_get(request, aggregate_id) current_aggregate_hosts = aggregate.hosts hosts = [] try: hosts = api.nova.host_list(request) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, err_msg) host_names = [] for host in hosts: if host.host_name not in host_names and host.service == u'compute': host_names.append(host.host_name) host_names.sort() self.fields[field_name].choices = \ [(host_name, host_name) for host_name in host_names] self.fields[field_name].initial = current_aggregate_hosts class Meta: name = _("Manage Hosts within Aggregate")
[docs]class AddHostsToAggregateStep(workflows.UpdateMembersStep): action_class = AddHostsToAggregateAction help_text = _("You can add hosts to this aggregate. One host can be added " "to one or more aggregate. You can also add the hosts later " "by editing the aggregate.") available_list_title = _("All available hosts") members_list_title = _("Selected hosts") no_available_text = _("No hosts found.") no_members_text = _("No host selected.") show_roles = False contributes = ("hosts_aggregate",)
[docs] def contribute(self, data, context): if data: member_field_name = self.get_member_field_name('member') context['hosts_aggregate'] = data.get(member_field_name, []) return context
[docs]class ManageAggregateHostsStep(workflows.UpdateMembersStep): action_class = ManageAggregateHostsAction help_text = _("You can add hosts to this aggregate, as well as remove " "hosts from it.") available_list_title = _("All Available Hosts") members_list_title = _("Selected Hosts") no_available_text = _("No Hosts found.") no_members_text = _("No Host selected.") show_roles = False depends_on = ("id",) contributes = ("hosts_aggregate",)
[docs] def contribute(self, data, context): if data: member_field_name = self.get_member_field_name('member') context['hosts_aggregate'] = data.get(member_field_name, []) return context
[docs]class CreateAggregateWorkflow(workflows.Workflow): slug = "create_aggregate" name = _("Create Host Aggregate") finalize_button_name = _("Create Host Aggregate") success_message = _('Created new host aggregate "%s".') failure_message = _('Unable to create host aggregate "%s".') success_url = constants.AGGREGATES_INDEX_URL default_steps = (SetAggregateInfoStep, AddHostsToAggregateStep)
[docs] def handle(self, request, context): try: self.object = \ api.nova.aggregate_create( request, name=context['name'], availability_zone=context['availability_zone']) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to create host aggregate.')) return False context_hosts_aggregate = context['hosts_aggregate'] for host in context_hosts_aggregate: try: api.nova.add_host_to_aggregate(request,, host) except Exception: exceptions.handle( request, _('Error adding Hosts to the aggregate.')) return False return True
[docs]class ManageAggregateHostsWorkflow(workflows.Workflow): slug = "manage_hosts_aggregate" name = _("Add/Remove Hosts to Aggregate") finalize_button_name = _("Save") success_message = _('The Aggregate was updated.') failure_message = _('Unable to update the aggregate.') success_url = constants.AGGREGATES_INDEX_URL default_steps = (ManageAggregateHostsStep, )
[docs] def handle(self, request, context): aggregate_id = context['id'] aggregate = api.nova.aggregate_get(request, aggregate_id) current_aggregate_hosts = set(aggregate.hosts) context_hosts_aggregate = set(context['hosts_aggregate']) removed_hosts = current_aggregate_hosts - context_hosts_aggregate added_hosts = context_hosts_aggregate - current_aggregate_hosts try: for host in removed_hosts: api.nova.remove_host_from_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host) for host in added_hosts: api.nova.add_host_to_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host) except Exception: exceptions.handle( request, _('Error when adding or removing hosts.')) return False return True