Source code for openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances.tables

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.http import HttpResponse  # noqa
from django import shortcuts
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import title  # noqa
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.utils.translation import string_concat  # noqa
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import conf
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from horizon.templatetags import sizeformat
from horizon.utils import filters

from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.access_and_security.floating_ips \
    import workflows
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances import tabs

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    0: "NO STATE",
    1: "RUNNING",
    2: "BLOCKED",
    3: "PAUSED",
    4: "SHUTDOWN",
    5: "SHUTOFF",
    6: "CRASHED",
    7: "SUSPENDED",
    8: "FAILED",
    9: "BUILDING",


[docs]def is_deleting(instance): task_state = getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-STS:task_state", None) if not task_state: return False return task_state.lower() == "deleting"
[docs]class TerminateInstance(tables.BatchAction): name = "terminate" action_present = _("Terminate") action_past = _("Scheduled termination of %(data_type)s") data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") classes = ('btn-danger', 'btn-terminate') policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:delete"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): """Allow terminate action if instance not currently being deleted.""" return not is_deleting(instance)
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): api.nova.server_delete(request, obj_id)
[docs]class RebootInstance(tables.BatchAction): name = "reboot" action_present = _("Hard Reboot") action_past = _("Hard Rebooted") data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") classes = ('btn-danger', 'btn-reboot') policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:reboot"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): if instance is not None: return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF') and not is_deleting(instance)) else: return True
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): api.nova.server_reboot(request, obj_id, soft_reboot=False)
[docs]class SoftRebootInstance(RebootInstance): name = "soft_reboot" action_present = _("Soft Reboot") action_past = _("Soft Rebooted")
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): api.nova.server_reboot(request, obj_id, soft_reboot=True)
[docs]class TogglePause(tables.BatchAction): name = "pause" action_present = (_("Pause"), _("Resume")) action_past = (_("Paused"), _("Resumed")) data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") classes = ("btn-pause",)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions', request): return False if not instance: return False self.paused = instance.status == "PAUSED" if self.paused: self.current_present_action = UNPAUSE policy = (("compute", "compute_extension:admin_actions:unpause"),) else: self.current_present_action = PAUSE policy = (("compute", "compute_extension:admin_actions:pause"),) has_permission = True policy_check = getattr(settings, "POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION", None) if policy_check: has_permission = policy_check(policy, request, target={'project_id': getattr(instance, 'tenant_id', None)}) return (has_permission and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or self.paused) and not is_deleting(instance))
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): if self.paused: api.nova.server_unpause(request, obj_id) self.current_past_action = UNPAUSE else: api.nova.server_pause(request, obj_id) self.current_past_action = PAUSE
[docs]class ToggleSuspend(tables.BatchAction): name = "suspend" action_present = (_("Suspend"), _("Resume")) action_past = (_("Suspended"), _("Resumed")) data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") classes = ("btn-suspend",)
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions', request): return False if not instance: return False self.suspended = instance.status == "SUSPENDED" if self.suspended: self.current_present_action = RESUME policy = (("compute", "compute_extension:admin_actions:resume"),) else: self.current_present_action = SUSPEND policy = (("compute", "compute_extension:admin_actions:suspend"),) has_permission = True policy_check = getattr(settings, "POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION", None) if policy_check: has_permission = policy_check(policy, request, target={'project_id': getattr(instance, 'tenant_id', None)}) return (has_permission and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or self.suspended) and not is_deleting(instance))
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): if self.suspended: api.nova.server_resume(request, obj_id) self.current_past_action = RESUME else: api.nova.server_suspend(request, obj_id) self.current_past_action = SUSPEND
[docs]class EditInstance(tables.LinkAction): name = "edit" verbose_name = _("Edit Instance") url = "horizon:project:instances:update" classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-edit") policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:update"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
def _get_link_url(self, project, step_slug): base_url = urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[]) param = urlencode({"step": step_slug}) return "?".join([base_url, param])
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return not is_deleting(instance)
[docs]class EditInstanceSecurityGroups(EditInstance): name = "edit_secgroups" verbose_name = _("Edit Security Groups")
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): return (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES and not is_deleting(instance) and request.user.tenant_id == instance.tenant_id)
[docs]class CreateSnapshot(tables.LinkAction): name = "snapshot" verbose_name = _("Create Snapshot") url = "horizon:project:images:snapshots:create" classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-camera") policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:snapshot"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance=None): return instance.status in SNAPSHOT_READY_STATES \ and not is_deleting(instance)
[docs]class ConfirmResize(tables.Action): name = "confirm" verbose_name = _("Confirm Resize/Migrate") classes = ("btn-confirm", "btn-action-required") policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:confirm_resize"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return instance.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE'
[docs] def single(self, table, request, instance): api.nova.server_confirm_resize(request, instance)
[docs]class RevertResize(tables.Action): name = "revert" verbose_name = _("Revert Resize/Migrate") classes = ("btn-revert", "btn-action-required") policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:revert_resize"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return instance.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE'
[docs] def single(self, table, request, instance): api.nova.server_revert_resize(request, instance)
[docs]class RebuildInstance(tables.LinkAction): name = "rebuild" verbose_name = _("Rebuild Instance") classes = ("btn-rebuild", "ajax-modal") url = "horizon:project:instances:rebuild" policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:rebuild"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF') and not is_deleting(instance))
[docs]class DecryptInstancePassword(tables.LinkAction): name = "decryptpassword" verbose_name = _("Retrieve Password") classes = ("btn-decrypt", "ajax-modal") url = "horizon:project:instances:decryptpassword"
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): enable = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_ENABLE_PASSWORD_RETRIEVE', False) return (enable and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF') and not is_deleting(instance) and get_keyname(instance) is not None)
[docs]class AssociateIP(tables.LinkAction): name = "associate" verbose_name = _("Associate Floating IP") url = "horizon:project:access_and_security:floating_ips:associate" classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-associate") policy_rules = (("compute", "network:associate_floating_ip"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): if return False return not is_deleting(instance)
[docs]class SimpleAssociateIP(tables.Action): name = "associate-simple" verbose_name = _("Associate Floating IP") classes = ("btn-associate-simple",) policy_rules = (("compute", "network:associate_floating_ip"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): if not return False return not is_deleting(instance)
[docs] def single(self, table, request, instance_id): try: # target_id is port_id for Neutron and instance_id for Nova Network # (Neutron API wrapper returns a 'portid_fixedip' string) target_id = request, instance_id).split('_')[0] fip =,, target_id) messages.success(request, _("Successfully associated floating IP: %s") % fip.ip) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to associate floating IP.")) return shortcuts.redirect("horizon:project:instances:index")
[docs]class SimpleDisassociateIP(tables.Action): name = "disassociate" verbose_name = _("Disassociate Floating IP") classes = ("btn-danger", "btn-disassociate",) policy_rules = (("compute", "network:disassociate_floating_ip"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): if not conf.HORIZON_CONFIG["simple_ip_management"]: return False return not is_deleting(instance)
[docs] def single(self, table, request, instance_id): try: # target_id is port_id for Neutron and instance_id for Nova Network # (Neutron API wrapper returns a 'portid_fixedip' string) targets = request, instance_id) target_ids = [t.split('_')[0] for t in targets] fips = [fip for fip in if fip.port_id in target_ids] # Removing multiple floating IPs at once doesn't work, so this pops # off the first one. if fips: fip = fips.pop(),, fip.port_id) messages.success(request, _("Successfully disassociated " "floating IP: %s") % fip.ip) else:, _("No floating IPs to disassociate.")) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to disassociate floating IP.")) return shortcuts.redirect("horizon:project:instances:index")
[docs]def instance_fault_to_friendly_message(instance): fault = getattr(instance, 'fault', {}) message = fault.get('message', _("Unknown")) default_message = _("Please try again later [Error: %s].") % message fault_map = { 'NoValidHost': _("There is not enough capacity for this " "flavor in the selected availability zone. " "Try again later or select a different availability " "zone.") } return fault_map.get(message, default_message)
[docs]def get_instance_error(instance): if instance.status.lower() != 'error': return None message = instance_fault_to_friendly_message(instance) preamble = _('Failed to launch instance "%s"' ) % or message = string_concat(preamble, ': ', message) return message
[docs]class UpdateRow(tables.Row): ajax = True
[docs] def get_data(self, request, instance_id): instance = api.nova.server_get(request, instance_id) instance.full_flavor = api.nova.flavor_get(request, instance.flavor["id"]) error = get_instance_error(instance) if error: messages.error(request, error) return instance
[docs]class StartInstance(tables.BatchAction): name = "start" action_present = _("Start") action_past = _("Started") data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:start"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return instance.status in ("SHUTDOWN", "SHUTOFF", "CRASHED")
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): api.nova.server_start(request, obj_id)
[docs]class StopInstance(tables.BatchAction): name = "stop" action_present = _("Shut Off") action_past = _("Shut Off") data_type_singular = _("Instance") data_type_plural = _("Instances") classes = ('btn-danger',) policy_rules = (("compute", "compute:stop"),)
[docs] def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None): project_id = None if datum: project_id = getattr(datum, 'tenant_id', None) return {"project_id": project_id}
[docs] def allowed(self, request, instance): return ((get_power_state(instance) in ("RUNNING", "PAUSED", "SUSPENDED")) and not is_deleting(instance))
[docs] def action(self, request, obj_id): api.nova.server_stop(request, obj_id)
[docs]def get_ips(instance): template_name = 'project/instances/_instance_ips.html' context = {"instance": instance} return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
[docs]def get_size(instance): if hasattr(instance, "full_flavor"): size_string = _("%(name)s | %(RAM)s RAM | %(VCPU)s VCPU " "| %(disk)s Disk") vals = {'name':, 'RAM': sizeformat.mbformat(instance.full_flavor.ram), 'VCPU': instance.full_flavor.vcpus, 'disk': sizeformat.diskgbformat(instance.full_flavor.disk)} return size_string % vals return _("Not available")
[docs]def get_keyname(instance): if hasattr(instance, "key_name"): keyname = instance.key_name return keyname return _("Not available")
[docs]def get_power_state(instance): return POWER_STATES.get(getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-STS:power_state", 0), '')
STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( ("deleted", _("Deleted")), ("active", _("Active")), ("shutoff", _("Shutoff")), ("suspended", _("Suspended")), ("paused", _("Paused")), ("error", _("Error")), ("resize", _("Resize/Migrate")), ("verify_resize", _("Confirm or Revert Resize/Migrate")), ("revert_resize", _("Revert Resize/Migrate")), ("reboot", _("Reboot")), ("hard_reboot", _("Hard Reboot")), ("password", _("Password")), ("rebuild", _("Rebuild")), ("migrating", _("Migrating")), ("build", _("Build")), ("rescue", _("Rescue")), ("deleted", _("Deleted")), ("soft_deleted", _("Soft Deleted")), ("shelved", _("Shelved")), ("shelved_offloaded", _("Shelved Offloaded")), ) TASK_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( ("scheduling", _("Scheduling")), ("block_device_mapping", _("Block Device Mapping")), ("networking", _("Networking")), ("spawning", _("Spawning")), ("image_snapshot", _("Snapshotting")), ("image_snapshot_pending", _("Image Snapshot Pending")), ("image_pending_upload", _("Image Pending Upload")), ("image_uploading", _("Image Uploading")), ("image_backup", _("Image Backup")), ("updating_password", _("Updating Password")), ("resize_prep", _("Preparing Resize or Migrate")), ("resize_migrating", _("Resizing or Migrating")), ("resize_migrated", _("Resized or Migrated")), ("resize_finish", _("Finishing Resize or Migrate")), ("resize_reverting", _("Reverting Resize or Migrate")), ("resize_confirming", _("Confirming Resize or Migrate")), ("rebooting", _("Rebooting")), ("rebooting_hard", _("Rebooting Hard")), ("pausing", _("Pausing")), ("unpausing", _("Resuming")), ("suspending", _("Suspending")), ("resuming", _("Resuming")), ("powering-off", _("Powering Off")), ("powering-on", _("Powering On")), ("rescuing", _("Rescuing")), ("unrescuing", _("Unrescuing")), ("rebuilding", _("Rebuilding")), ("rebuild_block_device_mapping", _("Rebuild Block Device Mapping")), ("rebuild_spawning", _("Rebuild Spawning")), ("migrating", _("Migrating")), ("deleting", _("Deleting")), ("soft-deleting", _("Soft Deleting")), ("restoring", _("Restoring")), ("shelving", _("Shelving")), ("shelving_image_pending_upload", _("Shelving Image Pending Upload")), ("shelving_image_uploading", _("Shelving Image Uploading")), ("shelving_offloading", _("Shelving Offloading")), ("unshelving", _("Unshelving")), ) POWER_DISPLAY_CHOICES = ( ("NO STATE", _("No State")), ("RUNNING", _("Running")), ("BLOCKED", _("Blocked")), ("PAUSED", _("Paused")), ("SHUTDOWN", _("Shut Down")), ("SHUTOFF", _("Shut Off")), ("CRASHED", _("Crashed")), ("SUSPENDED", _("Suspended")), ("FAILED", _("Failed")), ("BUILDING", _("Building")), )
[docs]class InstancesFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
[docs] def filter(self, table, instances, filter_string): """Naive case-insensitive search.""" q = filter_string.lower() return [instance for instance in instances if q in]
[docs]class InstancesTable(tables.DataTable): TASK_STATUS_CHOICES = ( (None, True), ("none", True) ) STATUS_CHOICES = ( ("active", True), ("shutoff", True), ("suspended", True), ("paused", True), ("error", False), ) name = tables.Column("name", link=("horizon:project:instances:detail"), verbose_name=_("Instance Name")) image_name = tables.Column("image_name", verbose_name=_("Image Name")) ip = tables.Column(get_ips, verbose_name=_("IP Address"), attrs={'data-type': "ip"}) size = tables.Column(get_size, verbose_name=_("Size"), attrs={'data-type': 'size'}) keypair = tables.Column(get_keyname, verbose_name=_("Key Pair")) status = tables.Column("status", filters=(title, filters.replace_underscores), verbose_name=_("Status"), status=True, status_choices=STATUS_CHOICES, display_choices=STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES) az = tables.Column("availability_zone", verbose_name=_("Availability Zone")) task = tables.Column("OS-EXT-STS:task_state", verbose_name=_("Task"), filters=(title, filters.replace_underscores), status=True, status_choices=TASK_STATUS_CHOICES, display_choices=TASK_DISPLAY_CHOICES) state = tables.Column(get_power_state, filters=(title, filters.replace_underscores), verbose_name=_("Power State"), display_choices=POWER_DISPLAY_CHOICES) created = tables.Column("created", verbose_name=_("Uptime"), filters=(filters.parse_isotime, filters.timesince_sortable), attrs={'data-type': 'timesince'})
[docs] class Meta: name = "instances" verbose_name = _("Instances") status_columns = ["status", "task"] row_class = UpdateRow table_actions = (LaunchLink, SoftRebootInstance, TerminateInstance, InstancesFilterAction) row_actions = (StartInstance, ConfirmResize, RevertResize, CreateSnapshot, SimpleAssociateIP, AssociateIP, SimpleDisassociateIP, EditInstance, DecryptInstancePassword, EditInstanceSecurityGroups, ConsoleLink, LogLink, TogglePause, ToggleSuspend, ResizeLink, SoftRebootInstance, RebootInstance, StopInstance, RebuildInstance, TerminateInstance)